2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Glass for photonics

Wilfried Blanc, John Ballato, Maurizio Ferrari

In honor of the International Year of Glass 2022 (IYoG'22), this article highlights important aspects of glass and light, focusing on more advanced photonic applications that drive a great many current and future commercially and societally beneficial products and services. Topics include a brief history of photonic glasses, an overview of light guiding, the subsequent use in planar waveguide devices, and their ubiquity as carriers of information and sensors in the form of optical fibers. These sections highlight the strong interconnections on the understanding of the glass composition, glass structure and optical properties. For next developments in glass photonics, new opportunities will be offered by machine learning, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and additive manufacturing. Additionally, the future of glass photonics may also depend on our ability to meet current challenges such as climate change, i.e., the development of an environmentally-friendly manufacturing process, considering environmental impact and possible material shortages.

The European physical journal plus 138, pp. 858-1–858-15

DOI: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-023-04473-5

2022, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

Planar and rectangular ceramic Yb:YAG laser waveguides

Jan Hostasa, Guido Toci, Laura Esposito, Barbara Patrizi, Matteo Vannini, Angela Pirri, Francesco Picelli, Andreana Piancastelli, Mauro Pucci, Valentina Biasini

Planar polycrystalline laser waveguides with the structure YAG/Yb:YAG/YAG were produced by ceramic processing. Transparent ceramics represent a valid alternative to single crystals as the flexibility of the ceramic process paves the way to new application opportunities. The implementation of different ceramic shaping techniques allows the production of complex or multicomponent (composite) structures that are generally difficult or about impossible to obtain with single crystals. A practical example are the planar structures presented here, characterized by a strict control of the dopant distribution obtained already during the shaping process, without further machining or bonding. The waveguides are composed of a laser active Yb:YAG layer obtained by tape casting with a thickness between 100 and 250 ?m placed between dopant-free YAG cladding obtained by oxide powder mixing. The refractive index of Yb:YAG is higher than YAG thus realizing a multimode waveguide. Two types of geometries were tested: 1. simple planar waveguide with a sandwich structure (confinement in one direction); 2. waveguide with a rectangular cross section (confinement in two directions). The waveguides were tested for laser emission in a cavity end pumped by a fiber coupled diode laser, under quasi-CW pumping conditions (rectangular pump pulses with 10 ms duration, 10 Hz), delivering up to 60W at 936 nm. The planar waveguide has shown a maximum output power of 14.4 W (slope efficiency 39.1%, optical efficiency 27.4%) whereas the 2D waveguide had a maximum output power of 11.6 W (slope efficiency 38.4%, optical efficiency 22.4%). Lasing wavelength was 1030 nm.

Conference on Fiber Lasers and Glass Photonics - Materials through Applications III Part of SPIE Photonics Europe Conference, Strasbourg, Francia, 03-07/04/2022

DOI: 10.1117/12.2621827

2016, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

The use of ion beam techniques for the fabrication of integrated optical elements

Banyasz, I.; Berneschi, S.; Fried, M.; Havranek, V.; Khanh, N. Q.; Nagy, G. U L; Nemeth, A.; Nunzi-Conti, G.; Pelli, S.; Pelli, S.; Rajta, I.; Righini, C.; Szilagyi, E.; Veres, M.; Zolnai, Z.

Active and passive optical waveguides are fundamental elements in modern telecommunications systems. A great number of optical crystals and glasses were identified and are used as good optoelectronic materials. However, fabrication of waveguides in some of those materials remains still a challenging task due to their susceptibility to mechanical or chemical damages during processing. Ion beam has been used for such purposes, along with other emerging techniques, like direct pulsed laser writing. Passive and active planar and channel optical waveguides, and optical Bragg gratings were fabricated in various glasses (like Er: TeO2-WO3 glass) and undoped and doped crystals, Bi4Ge3O12, Bi12GeO20) using masked or unmasked macrobeams or microbeams of light and medium-sized ions (C, N, O) in the 1.5 - 11 MeV energy range. Functionality of the optical elements was tested by m-line spectroscopy and end fire coupling technique. Structural changes in the implanted samples were studied by various optical microscopic techniques, spectroscopic ellipsometry, Rutherford backscattering and microscopic Raman spectroscopy. The results show that it is possible to produce integrated optical elements of unique properties using ion beam techniques

18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2016, Trento, 10-14/7/2016

DOI: 10.1109/ICTON.2016.7550712

2015, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Fabrication and characterization of Er+3 doped SiO2/SnO2 glass-ceramic thin films for planar waveguide applications

S. Guddala, A. Chiappini, C. Armellini, S. Turell, G.C. Righini, M. Ferrari, and D. Narayana Rao

Glass-ceramics are a kind of two-phase materials constituted by nanocrystals embedded in a glass matrix and the respective volume fractions of crystalline and amorphous phase determine the properties of the glass-ceramics. Among these properties transparency is crucial in particular when confined structures, such as, dielectric optical waveguides, are considered. Moreover, the segregation of dopant rare-earth ions, like erbium, in low phonon energy crystalline medium makes these structures more promising in the development of waveguide amplifiers. Here we are proposing a new class of low phonon energy tin oxide semiconductor medium doped silicate based planar waveguides. Er3+ doped (100-x) SiO2- xSnO2 (x= 10, 20, 25 and 30mol%), glass-ceramic planar waveguide thin films were fabricated by a simple sol-gel processing and dip coating technique. XRD and HRTEM studies indicates the glass-ceramic phase of the film and the dispersion of ~4nm diameter of tin oxide nanocrystals in the amorphous phase of silica. The spectroscopic assessment indicates the distribution of the dopant erbium ions in the crystalline medium of tin oxide. The observed low losses, 0.5±0.2 dB/cm, at 1.54 ?m communication wavelength makes them a quite promising material for the development of high gain integrated optical amplifiers.

IOP conference series. Materials science and engineering (Online) 73, pp. 012102-1–012102-4

DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/73/1/012102

2012, Articolo in rivista, ENG

MeV energy N+-Implanted planar optical waveguides in Er-doped tungsten-tellurite glass operating at 1.55 micron.

I. Bányász, S. Berneschi, M. Bettinelli, M. Brenci, M. Fried, N.Q. Khanh, T. Lohner, G. Nunzi Conti, S. Pelli, P. Petrik, G.C. Righini, A. Speghini, A. Watterich, Z. Zolnai

We report on the fabrication and characterization of planar waveguides in an Er-doped tungsten-tellurite glass by implantation of 3.5 MeV N + ions. Implantations were carried out in a wide fluence range of 1 · 10 16 8 · 10 16 ions/cm 2. Waveguides were characterized by m-line spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry. Irradiation-induced refractive index modulation saturated around a fluence of 8 · 10 16 ions/cm 2. Waveguides operating at 1550 nm were obtained in that material using 3.5 MeV N + ion implantation.

IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 4 (3), pp. 721–727

DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2012.2194997

2004, Poster, ENG

Design of erbium/ytterbium codoped SiO2-TiO2 waveguide amplifiers

A. D'Orazio, M. De Sario, V. Marrocco, L. Mescia, V. Petruzzelli, F. Prudenzano, A. Chiasera, M. Ferrari, C. Tosello

A numerical model for Yb3+ sensitized Er3+-doped silica-titania channel waveguide amplifiers is developed and implemented in a computer code. The possibility of achieving high gain with a reduced length is demonstrated and for a copropagating pump power of 100 mW, a gain G= 6.2 dB is calculated a with a noise figure F=4.22 dB.

5th Symposium “SiO2, Advanced Dielectrics & Related Devices, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, June 21-23, 2004

2004, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

Design of erbium/ytterbium codoped SiO2-TiO2 waveguide amplifiers

A. D'Orazio, M. De Sario, V. Marrocco, L. Mescia, V. Petruzzelli, F. Prudenzano, A. Chiasera, M. Ferrari, C. Tosello

A numerical model for Yb3+ sensitized Er3+-doped silica-titania channel waveguide amplifiers is developed and implemented in a computer code. The possibility of achieving high gain with a reduced length is demonstrated and for a copropagating pump power of 100 mW, a gain G= 6.2 dB is calculated a with a noise figure F=4.22 dB.

5th Symposium “SiO2, Advanced Dielectrics & Related Devices, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, June 21-23, 2004

2003, Articolo in rivista

Two-photon fluorescence excitation of macroscopic areas on planar waveguides

Duveneck, GL; Bopp, MA; Ehrat, M; Balet, LP; Haiml, M; Keller, U; Marowsky, G; Soria, S

In this paper, we report the first successful demonstration, to our knowledge, of two-photon fluorescence excitation (TPFE) using planar thin-film waveguide structures of macroscopic excitation dimensions (square millimeters to square centimeters in size). The high intensity of excitation light required for TPFE is available not only at a single focus point but along the whole trace of the beam guided in the waveguide structure. Line profiles of the fluorescence excited by TPFE show excellent correlation with the geometry of the launched laser beams. A clear second-order dependence of the fluorescence intensity on the excitation intensity confirms the two-photon character of fluorescence generation. Spectra of the emission generated by one-photon excitation and by two-photon excitation show only minor differences. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Biosensors & bioelectronics 18 (5-6), pp. 503–510

DOI: 10.1016/S0956-5663(03)00006-X

1981, Articolo in rivista, ENG

A 200 W average power, narrow bandwidth, tunable waveguide dye laser

P. Mazzinghi, P. Burlamacchi, M. Matera, H. F. Ranea-Sandoval, R. Salimbeni, U. Vanni

A planar waveguide dye laser, driven by commercial xenon flashlamps with an average power output of 200 W at 50 pulse per second (pps) is described. Due to the planar structure, a narrow bandwidth operation down to 10 GHz has been obtained with a single grating arranged at grazing incidence. With this configuration, high overall efficiency up to 0.6 percent has been obtained, partially due to energy conversion of the broad-band emission spectrum of the flash-lamps by circulating an appropriate dye solution between flashlamps and reflectors.

IEEE journal of quantum electronics 17 (11), pp. 2245–2249

DOI: 10.1109/JQE.1981.1070686

InstituteSelected 0/4
    IFAC, Istituto di fisica applicata "Nello Carrara" (3)
    IFN, Istituto di fotonica e nanotecnologie (3)
    INO, Istituto nazionale di ottica (1)
    ISSMC, Istituto di Scienza, Tecnologia e Sostenibilità per lo Sviluppo dei Materiali Ceramici (1)
AuthorSelected 0/19
    Ferrari Maurizio (4)
    Righini Giancarlo (3)
    Berneschi Simone (2)
    Chiasera Alessandro (2)
    Nunzi Conti Gualtiero (2)
    Pelli Stefano (2)
    Biasini Valentina (1)
    Brenci Massimo (1)
    Chiappini Andrea (1)
    Hostasa Jan (1)
TypeSelected 0/3
    Articolo in rivista (5)
    Contributo in atti di convegno (3)
    Poster (1)
Research programSelected 0/7
    MD.P03.012.001, Sviluppo e diagnostica ottica e spettroscopica di materiali e strutture per la fotonica (3)
    MD.P03.001.001, Materiali e dispositivi attivi per le telecomunicazioni e la sensoristica (2)
    DCM.AD006.210.001, CEMILAP 2- Ceramiche Microstrutturate per Laser di alta potenza strutturazione in 2D (1)
    DCM.AD006.210.002, CEMILAP 2 - Ceramiche Microstrutturate per Laser di alta Potenza strutturazione in 2D (1)
    DCM.AD006.375.001, CERTO - CERamici Trasparenti per applicazioni Ottiche (1)
    DFM.AD005.054.001, Fotonica in vetro (1)
    PM.P02.020.003, Materiali ceramici trasparenti per applicazioni ottiche ed elettromagnetiche (1)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
EU ProjectSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
YearSelected 0/8
    2004 (2)
    1981 (1)
    2003 (1)
    2012 (1)
    2015 (1)
    2016 (1)
    2022 (1)
    2023 (1)
LanguageSelected 0/1
    Inglese (8)

planar waveguide