2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Buratti P.; Bin W.; Cardinali A.; Carnevale D.; Castaldo C.; D'Arcangelo O.; Napoli F.; Ravera G.L.; Selce A.; Panaccione L.; Romano A.
Radiofrequency emission in the 0.4-3 GHz range from FTU tokamak in presence of runaway electrons (REs) has been measured in various plasma regimes. Rapid emission bursts associated with enhanced RE pitch-angle scattering reveal kinetic instabilities affecting evolution of the RE population from the buildup phase. Such measurements also provide a sensitive monitor for instabilities during early RE formation. The leading edge of radio bursts is much shorter than interleaving periods of low emission; spectral broadening during growth indicates nonlinear wave coupling as an explanation for the observed intermittency. Both broadband and coherent spectra have been observed. Radio emission disappears at the beginning of post-disruption RE plateaus, and subsequently reappears in the shape of very intense bursts accompanied by macroscopic magnetic perturbations.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Maiorano, Teresa; Settino, Adriana; Malara, Francesco; Pezzi, Oreste; Pucci, Francesco; Valentini, Francesco
The evolution of a linearly polarized, long-wavelength Alfvén wave propagating in a collisionless magnetized plasma with a sheared parallel-directed velocity flow is here studied by means of two-dimensional hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell (HVM) simulations. The unperturbed sheared flow has been represented by an exact solution of the HVM set of equations of (Malara et al., Phys. Rev. E, vol. 97, 2018, 053212), thus avoiding spurious oscillations that would arise from the non-stationary initial state and inevitably affect the dynamics of the system. We have considered the evolution of both a small and a moderate amplitude Alfvén wave, in order to separate linear wave-shear flow couplings from kinetic effects, the latter being more relevant for larger wave amplitudes. The phase mixing generated by the shear flow modifies the initial perturbation, leading to the formation of small-scale transverse fluctuations at scales comparable with the proton inertial length/Larmor radius. By analysing both the polarization and group velocity of perturbations in the shear regions, we identify them as kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs). In the moderate amplitude run, kinetic effects distort the proton distribution function in the shear region. This leads to the formation of a proton beam, at the Alfvén speed and parallel to the magnetic field. Such a feature, due to the parallel electric field associated with KAWs, positively compares with solar wind observations of suprathermal ion populations, suggesting that it may be related to the presence of ion-scale KAW-like fluctuations.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Maiorano, Teresa; Settino, Adriana; Malara, Francesco; Pezzi, Oreste; Pucci, Francesco; Valentini, Francesco
The evolution of a linearly polarized, long-wavelength Alfvén wave propagating in a collisionless magnetized plasma with a sheared parallel-directed velocity flow is here studied by means of two-dimensional hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell (HVM) simulations. The unperturbed sheared flow has been represented by an exact solution of the HVM set of equations of (Malara et al.Phys. Rev. E, vol. 97, 2018, 053212), thus avoiding spurious oscillations that would arise from the non-stationary initial state and inevitably affect the dynamics of the system. We have considered the evolution of both a small and a moderate amplitude Alfvén wave, in order to separate linear wave-shear flow couplings from kinetic effects, the latter being more relevant for larger wave amplitudes. The phase mixing generated by the shear flow modifies the initial perturbation, leading to the formation of small-scale transverse fluctuations at scales comparable with the proton inertial length/Larmor radius. By analysing both the polarization and group velocity of perturbations in the shear regions, we identify them as kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs). In the moderate amplitude run, kinetic effects distort the proton distribution function in the shear region. This leads to the formation of a proton beam, at the Alfvén speed and parallel to the magnetic field. Such a feature, due to the parallel electric field associated with KAWs, positively compares with solar wind observations of suprathermal ion populations, suggesting that it may be related to the presence of ion-scale KAW-like fluctuations.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Perri, S.; Perrone, D.; Yordanova, E.; Sorriso-Valvo, L.; Paterson, W. R.; Gershman, D. J.; Giles, B. L.; Pollock, C. J.; Dorelli, J. C.; Avanov, L. A.; Lavraud, B.; Saito, Y.; Nakamura, R.; Fischer, D.; Baumjohann, W.; Plaschke, F.; Narita, Y.; Magnes, W.; Russell, C. T.; Strangeway, R. J.; Le Contel, O.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Valentini, F.
The deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium of the ion velocity distribution functions (VDFs), as measured by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission in the Earth's turbulent magnetosheath, is quantitatively investigated. Making use of the unprecedented high-resolution MMS ion data, and together with Vlasov-Maxwell simulations, this analysis aims at investigating the relationship between deviation from Maxwellian equilibrium and typical plasma parameters. Correlations of the non-Maxwellian features with plasma quantities such as electric fields, ion temperature, current density and ion vorticity are found to be similar in magnetosheath data and numerical experiments, with a poor correlation between distortions of ion VDFs and current density, evidence that questions the occurrence of VDF departure from Maxwellian at the current density peaks. Moreover, strong correlation has been observed with the magnitude of the electric field in the turbulent magnetosheath, while a certain degree of correlation has been found in the numerical simulations and during a magnetopause crossing by MMS. This work could help shed light on the influence of electrostatic waves on the distortion of the ion VDFs in space turbulent plasmas.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Pezzi, Oreste; Cozzani, Giulia; Califano, Francesco; Valentini, Francesco; Guarrasi, Massimiliano; Camporeale, Enrico; Brunetti, Gianfranco; Retino, Alessandro; Veltri, Pierluigi
We present a Vlasov-DArwin numerical code (ViDA) specifically designed to address plasma physics problems, where small-scale high accuracy is requested even during the nonlinear regime to guarantee a clean description of the plasma dynamics at fine spatial scales. The algorithm provides a low-noise description of proton and electron kinetic dynamics, by splitting in time the multi-advection Vlasov equation in phase space. Maxwell equations for the electric and magnetic fields are reorganized according to the Darwin approximation to remove light waves. Several numerical tests show that ViDA successfully reproduces the propagation of linear and nonlinear waves and captures the physics of magnetic reconnection. We also discuss preliminary tests of the parallelization algorithm efficiency, performed at CINECA on the Marconi-KNL cluster. ViDA will allow the running of Eulerian simulations of a non-relativistic fully kinetic collisionless plasma and it is expected to provide relevant insights into important problems of plasma astrophysics such as, for instance, the development of the turbulent cascade at electron scales and the structure and dynamics of electron-scale magnetic reconnection, such as the electron diffusion region.
2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Pommois, Karen; Valentini, Francesco; Pezzi, Oreste; Veltri, Pierluigi
Eulerian simulations of the Vlasov-Poisson equations have been employed to analyze the excitation of slow electrostatic fluctuations (with phase speed close to the electron thermal speed), due to a beam-plasma interaction, and their propagation in linear and nonlinear regimes. In 1968, O'Neil and Malmberg [Phys. Fluids 11, 1754 (1968)] dubbed these waves "beam modes." In the present paper, previous analytical results on the beam modes in both linear and nonlinear regimes have been revisited numerically, pointing out that, when an electron beam is launched in a plasma of Maxwellian electrons and motionless protons and this initial equilibrium is perturbed by a monochromatic density disturbance, the electric field amplitude grows exponentially in time and then undergoes nonlinear saturation, associated with the kinetic effects of particle trapping and phase space vortex generation. Moreover, new numerical results give evidence that, when the initial density perturbation is setup in the form of a low amplitude random phase noise, the whole Fourier spectrum of wavenumbers is excited. As a result, the electric field profile appears as a train of isolated pulses, each of them being associated with a phase space vortex in the electron distribution function. At later times, these vortical structures tend to merge and, correspondingly, the electric pulses collapse, showing the tendency towards a time asymptotic configuration characterized by the appearance of electric soliton-like pulses. This dynamical evolution is driven by purely kinetic processes, possibly at work in many space and laboratory plasma environments. Published by AIP Publishing.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4973829
2014, Articolo in rivista
Tredicucci, Alessandro; Vitiello, Miriam S.; Polini, Marco; Pellegrini, Vittorio
Nanotransistors offer great prospect for the development of innovative THz detectors based on the non-linearity of transport characteristics. Semiconductor nanowires are appealing for their one-dimensional nature and intrinsically low capacitance of the devices, while graphene, with its record-high room-temperature mobility, has the potential to exploit plasma wave resonances in the transistor channel to achieve high-responsivity and tuneable detection. First graphene detectors have been recently demonstrated in both monolayer and bilayer field effect devices performances already suitable for first imaging application. Here will discuss the physics and technology of these devices, their operation, as well as first examples of imaging applications.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2041462
2013, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Pezzi, Oreste; Valentini, Francesco; Perrone, Denise; Veltri, Pierluigi
The problem of collisions in a plasma is a wide subject with a huge historical literature. In fact, the description of realistic plasmas is a tough problem to attack, both from the theoretical and the numerical point of view. In this paper, a Eulerian time-splitting algorithm for the study of the propagation of electrostatic waves in collisional plasmas is presented. Collisions are modeled through one-dimensional operators of the Fokker-Planck type, both in linear and nonlinear forms. The accuracy of the numerical code is discussed by comparing the numerical results to the analytical predictions obtained in some limit cases when trying to evaluate the effects of collisions in the phenomenon of wave plasma echo and collisional dissipation of Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal waves. Particular attention is devoted to the study of the nonlinear Dougherty collisional operator, recently used to describe the collisional dissipation of electron plasma waves in a pure electron plasma column [M. W. Anderson and T. M. O'Neil, Phys. Plasmas 14, 112110 (2007)]. Finally, for the study of collisional plasmas, a recipe to set the simulation parameters in order to prevent the filamentation problem can be provided, by exploiting the property of velocity diffusion operators to smooth out small velocity scales. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4821613
2011, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Valentini, Francesco; Califano, Francesco; Perrone, Denise; Pegoraro, Francesco; Veltri, Pierluigi
We present the results of kinetic numerical simulations that demonstrate the existence of a novel branch of electrostatic nonlinear waves driven by particle trapping processes. These waves have an acoustic-type dispersion with phase speed comparable to the ion thermal speed and would thus be heavily Landau damped in the linear regime. At variance with the ion-acoustic waves, this novel electrostatic branch can exist at a small but finite amplitude even for low values of the electron to ion temperature ratio. Our results provide a new interpretation of observations in space plasmas, where a significant level of electrostatic activity is observed in the high frequency region of the solar-wind turbulent spectra.
2011, Articolo in rivista
Bigongiari A. [ 1, 2 ] ; Raynaud M. [ 1 ] ; Riconda C. [ 2 ] ; Heron A. [ 3 ] ; Macchi A. [ 4 ]
The efficiency of laser overdense plasma coupling via surface plasma wave excitation is investigated. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations are performed over a wide range of laser pulse intensity from 10(15) to 10(20) W cm(-2) mu m(2) with electron density ranging from 25 to 100n(c) to describe the laser interaction with a grating target where a surface plasma wave excitation condition is fulfilled. The numerical studies confirm an efficient coupling with an enhancement of the laser absorption up to 75%. The simulations also show the presence of a localized, quasi-static magnetic field at the plasma surface. Two interaction regimes are identified for low (I lambda(2) < 10(17) W cm(-2) mu m(2)) and high (I lambda(2) > 10(17) W cm(-2) mu m(2)) laser pulse intensities. At "relativistic" laser intensity, steady magnetic fields as high as similar to 580 MG mu m/lambda(0) at 7 x 10(19) W cm(-2) mu m(2) are obtained in the simulations. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1063/1.3646520
2011, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Alf Köhn; Roberto Bilato; Francesco Volpe; Roberto Paccagnella
A full-wave code has been used to model the O-X-B mode-conversion process in RFX-mod. Parameter scans were performed to find the optimum launching condition for the microwave beam. Vacuum walls play an important role in the overall conversion efficiency, which is a key parameter for the success of the experiment. This is nicely illustrated in simulations.
2002, Articolo in rivista, ENG
A. Macchi, F. Cornolti, F. Pegoraro,
The parametric excitation of pairs of electron surface waves (ESW) in the interaction of an ultrashort, intense laser pulse with an overdense plasma is discussed using an analytical model. The plasma has a simple step-like density profile. The ESWs can be excited either by the electric or by the magnetic part of the Lorentz force exerted by the laser and, correspondingly, have frequencies around omega/2 or omega, where omega is the laser frequency.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1464146