2023, Software, ENG/ITA


Emiliano Giovannetti, Davide Albanesi, Andrea Bellandi, Enrico Carniani, Luca Guidi, Simone Marchi, Mafalda Papini, Flavia Sciolette

Maia is an open and collaborative web tool based on semantic web and linked open data technologies for text annotation, e-lexicography, and lexical linking.

2023, Software, ITA/ENG

Geoportale del Progetto PRIN SERENA

Francesco Pennica

SERENA (Mapping Seismic Site Effects at REgional and NAtional Scale) è un progetto di ricerca PRIN il cui obiettivo principale consiste nel fornire alle autorità preposte alla definizione di strategie per la riduzione del rischio sismico: una carta a scala nazionale degli effetti di amplificazione del moto sismico atteso per effetto delle condizioni morfostratigrafiche locali; una carta a scala nazionale della pericolosità da frana sismoindotta; definire una procedura capace di aggiornare le stime prodotte in rapporto al flusso informativo degli studi programmati nei diversi contesti istituzionali. Il "Geoportale PRIN Serena" è una piattaforma WebGIS basata su GeoNode che offre ai partecipanti del progetto uno strumento per: gestire, archiviare e condividere dati e prodotti (sia cartografici che documentali) all'interno di un repository di dati e relativi metadati; collaborare sui dati e condividere layer e documenti tramite utenze, gruppi ed un sistema granulare di permessi; effettuare ricerche all'interno del catalogo dei dati; visualizzare e interrogare i layer cartografici all'interno di mappe WebGIS; scaricare o utilizzare direttamente i dati all'interno di software GIS tramite servizi web cartografici basati su standard (WMS, WFS, WCS); disseminare i risultati della ricerca tramite mappe WebGIS user-friendly.

2023, Software, ENG

Image segmentation tool

Martino G.

Software sviluppato in Python con GUI che permette la creazione di dataset per la segmentazione di immagini e l'esportazione in formato COCO.

2023, Software, ENG

VAE for dummies

Martino G.

Semplice implementazione di un Variational Autoencoder (VAE) in Pytorch Lightning con un applicativo interattivo ausiliario per esplorare in tempo reale lo spazio latente del VAE.

2023, Software, ENG

SM-Tools toolkit

Francesco Paolo Lovergine

Valuable tools for SMOSar application and other stuff. This is a multi-language/mult-tools toolkit based on FOSS components, such as GDAL, GRASS, and other geospatial software.

2023, Software, ENG

jewel: Graphical Models Estimation from Multiple Sources" CRAN-R 2023

Anna Plaksienko ,Claudia Angelini, Daniela De Canditiis

Estimates networks of conditional dependencies (Gaussian graphical models) from multiple classes of data (similar but not exactly, i.e. measurements on different equipment, in different locations or for various sub-types). Package also allows to generate simulation data and evaluate the performance. Implementation of the method described in Angelini, De Canditiis and Plaksienko (2022)

2023, Software, ITA/ENG

MzS Tools - QGIS Plugin for italian Seismic Microzonation (v1.9.0)

Francesco Pennica, Giuseppe Cosentino, Emanuele Tarquini.

QGIS Plugin for italian Seismic Microzonation (version 1.9.0 compatible with QGIS 3.16 and later). MzSTools is a plugin for QGIS developed by the Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-IGAG). The plugin has been designed as a set of practical and easy-to-use tools to carry out seismic microzonation (SM) studies, capable of producing standard compliant geographic database and maps with accurate and homogeneous information for all municipalities in Italy. A geodatabase based on SQLite/SpatiaLite Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) has been designed to collect and store data related to elements such as: geognostic surveys; bedrocks and cover terrains; superficial and buried geomorphological elements; tectonic-structural elements; elements of geological instability such as landslide zones, liquefaction zones and zones affected by active and capable faults; homogeneous microzones in seismic perspective, microzones characterized by a seismic amplification factor. MzSTools assembles in a single software environment a set of useful tools in a configurable QGIS project template, comprising layers, symbol libraries, cartographic styles and print layouts for the SM maps. The plugin is open source and hosted on the GitHub platform, and available via the official QGIS plugins repository (

2023, Software, ENG

Q-Learning algorithm for robot behaviour adaptation

Zedda E.

An application that applies the Q-learning algorithm to support an adaptation strategy for the robot in the context of an application for cognitive training. The goal is to help the user maintain a high-engaged level and stimulate in case the user is at a low-engaged level. In the project, the robot agent learns its policy by leveraging the simulator by interacting with the simulated users, updating its knowledge using the Bellman Equation. The algorithm returns a trained Q matrix(s, a). Programming Language: Python

2023, Software, ENG

DialogFlow, Google speech API and ChatGPT4 on Pepper

Zedda E.; Manca M.

Integration of DialogFlow and Google Speech API on a HRI application for Pepper robot. Technologies used: Java, QiSDK, SQL, Google Speech API, DialogFlow API, Azure and OpenAI API CNR Link:

2023, Software, ENG

Match-mismatch user/robot personality

Zedda E.

An application that autonomously adapts the robot's personality based on the user personality test results, displaying a robot personality that aligns better with the user's traits in a cooking serious game for older adults with cognitive impairments. Technologies used: Java, QiSDK, SQL

2023, Software, ENG

User Personality Test for HRI

Eleonora Zedda

An Android application designed to evaluate the user's current personality through administering the MINI-IPIP personality test and the TIPI-10 personality test during interactions with the robot (HRI) with a serious game for older adults with MCI. Technologies used: Java, QiSDK, SQL CNR Link:

2023, Software, ENG

Robot personalities adaptation system

Zedda E.

Description: An application with an adaptation technique implemented on a humanoid robot to make it autonomously adapt its behaviour during user interaction. The application read the user's state (smile value and gaze direction), classified the engagement level following a defined classification and adapted its behaviours using a Q-learning algorithm (Reinforcement Learning algorithm) performing different robot movements and dialogues according to the user state detected and robot personality chosen. The adaption system is applied at a difficult level of a cooking serious game. Technologies used: Java, QiSDK, SQL, Python CNR Link:

2023, Software, ENG

Robot personalities module

Zedda E.

Description: An application designed to enhance cognitive stimulation among older adults by manipulating robot behaviours into a cooking game. The application incorporates a personality module that generates two robot personalities (extravert and introvert) designed and implemented to improve the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) of older adults with cognitive impairments. Technologies used: Java, QiSDK, SQL Version: 5.0 CNR Link:

2023, Software, ENG

MillingStab - Stability diagram computation for 3D milling process

Marco Leonesio, Giacomo Bianchi

Software tool to compute the stability lobes Diagram in milling considering a 3D process model. Enhanced algorithm for lobes trimming.

2023, Software, ENG

Aggiornamento software PhiCube per transizione a ROS2

Matteo Lavit Nicora

Sviluppo e test del software midlevel per la comunicazione dati tra basso livello e applicazione di gioco del dispositivo PhiCube, rivisto nel contesto di transizione da ROS1 a ROS2

2023, Software, ENG

Aggiornamento software PhiCube per transizione a microcontrollore Portenta H7

Matteo Lavit Nicora

Sviluppo e test software di basso livello per il controllo del dispositivo PhiCube tramite nuovo microcontrollore industry-ready Arduino Pro Portenta H7

2023, Software, ENG

Modelling, verifying and testing the contract automata runtime environment with Uppaal: complementary data

Basile D.

This repository contains the complementary material for the paper: "Modelling and Verifying the Contract Automata Runtime Environment", Basile D. The latest version of the included files can be accessed through the GitHub repository of the Contract Automata Runtime Environment, In addition to the other contents, this Zenodo repository contains all the logs of the experiments.

2023, Software, ENG

Bottlenose Dolphin Peak Detector

Rocco De Marco(1)

Simple algorithm for peaks detection in wavefiles

2023, Software, ENG

MEC: Mesoscale Events Classifier

Papini O.

This software consists of a Python 3 implementation of the Mesoscale Events Classifier (MEC) algorithm, which has been developed as part of the activities of Task 8.5 of the NAUTILOS project. The algorithm uses Sea Surface Temperature data coming from satellite missions to detect and classify patterns associated with "mesoscale events" in an upwelling ecosystem.

2023, Software, ENG

A toolchain for strategy synthesis with spatial properties - Complementary material

Basile D.; ter Beek M.H.; Bussi L.; Ciancia V.

This is the complementary material for our paper ``A Toolchain for Strategy Synthesis with Spatial Properties'' accepted for publication at the Journal of Software Tools and Technology Transfer. This repository contains a permanent snapshot of

InstituteSelected 0/67
    ISTI, Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'informazione "Alessandro Faedo" (522)
    STIIMA, Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato (103)
    ITD, Istituto per le tecnologie didattiche (55)
    IREA, Istituto per il rilevamento elettromagnetico dell'ambiente (38)
    ICAR, Istituto di calcolo e reti ad alte prestazioni (34)
    IIT, Istituto di informatica e telematica (33)
    IRPI, Istituto di ricerca per la protezione idrogeologica (27)
    IFAC, Istituto di fisica applicata "Nello Carrara" (26)
    IBIMET, Istituto di biometeorologia (22)
    IGSG, Istituto di Informatica Giuridica e Sistemi Giudiziari (22)
AuthorSelected 0/691
    Mangiacrapa Francesco (38)
    Frosini Luca (32)
    Mottura Stefano (28)
    Assante Massimiliano (26)
    Volpini Federico (26)
    Andreuccetti Daniele (25)
    Arrigo Marco (25)
    Zoppetti Nicola (25)
    Cignoni Paolo (23)
    Rozzi Carlo Andrea (23)
TypeSelected 1/86


    Articolo in rivista (225484)
    Contributo in atti di convegno (64096)
    Presentazione (25914)
    Contributo in volume (25346)
    Poster (24430)
    Abstract in atti di convegno (18756)
    Rapporto tecnico (17755)
    Rapporto di ricerca (Research report) (11220)
    Altro prodotto (5800)
    Rapporto di progetto (Project report) (5540)
Research programSelected 0/241
    ICT.P08.010.002, Digital Libraries (184)
    SP.P03.004.001, Macchine, robot e servizi innovativi customer oriented (25)
    INT.P01.006.001, sicurezza e compatibilità elettromagnetica (23)
    ICT.P10.013.001, Visualizzazione 3D e Interazione Uomo-Macchina (21)
    ICT.P07.008.002, Tecnologie e sistemi wireless eterogenei interconnessi (20)
    SP.P01.029.001, Ambienti Virtuali di progettazione integrata (18)
    ICT.P09.008.002, Metodi e Strumenti per la Progettazione di Sistemi Software-Intensive ad Elevata Complessità (17)
    AG.P01.003.001, Basi Genetiche, Fisiologiche e Molecolari dello Sviluppo e Differenziamento di Specie Modello e di Interesse Agro-Alimentare in Risposta a Fattori Endogeni e Ambientali (15)
    PC.P05.003.001, Tecnologie innovative di accesso digitale ai beni culturali (15)
    IC.P03.006.001, Progettare la qualita' dell'e-learning (14)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/5
    FP7 (164)
    H2020 (100)
    FP6 (5)
    NSF (2)
    FP5 (1)
EU ProjectSelected 0/93
    IMARINE (80)
    D4SCIENCE-II (21)
    BlueBRIDGE (17)
    Blue Cloud (11)
    ARIADNEplus (7)
    MindBot (7)
    SoBigData (5)
    4SECURAIL (4)
YearSelected 0/36
    2014 (102)
    2015 (97)
    2021 (88)
    2016 (84)
    2017 (84)
    2006 (77)
    2018 (77)
    2022 (74)
    2013 (71)
    2019 (71)
LanguageSelected 0/29
    Inglese (927)
    Italiano (433)
    Francese (20)
    Spagnolo (13)
    Tedesco (9)
    Greco moderno (dopo il 1453) (6)
    Inglese medio (1100-1500) (3)
    Greco antico (fino al 1453) (3)
    Arabo (2)
    Creolo-inglese (altra lingua) (2)