Curatela di monografia/trattato scientifico, 2012, ENG

Educational Technology in Europe

Guglielmo Trentin


Discussing the theme of Educational Technology (ET) in Europe is a far from simple matter, mainly because of the different approaches of the member states in promoting the use of ICTs to support educational processes. Nevertheless, through its research and development programmes on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) themes, the European Community has played and still plays an important role in boosting the development of new educational methodologies and technologies, favoring and stimulating collaboration among educational and research institutions operating in the various member states. Thus in planning a special issue on ET in Europe, rather than offering an overview of how the educational use of ICTs is interpreted in the various states, we have chosen to gather the opinions of those actually working in ET research and development in the European context. Furthermore, in order to avoid producing a generalized collection of papers on the specific theme, a main connecting idea was proposed to authors to help them discuss and debate on the central theme of the special issue. The model of e-learning sustainability proposed in Educational Technology vol. 47, n.5 (pp. 36-40), 2007, consisting of a space divided into 8 closely, mutually-interrelated dimensions (Figure 1), was used for this purpose.


educational technology, Europe, technology enhanced learning

CNR authors

Trentin Guglielmo

CNR institutes

ITD – Istituto per le tecnologie didattiche

ID: 199352

Year: 2012

Type: Curatela di monografia/trattato scientifico

Creation: 2013-01-18 18:59:10.000

Last update: 2013-05-27 12:36:28.000

External links

OAI-PMH: Dublin Core



External IDs

CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:199352