Progetto, 2019, ENG

AHEAD2020 : Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain

M. Coreno (1) , E. Magnano (2), Simone(2), F. Bondino (2), S. Nappini (2), N. Mahne (2), A. Giglia (2), L. Avaldi (1), D. Catone (1), S. Orlando (1), F. Fiore (3), F. Nicastro (3), L. Natalucci (3), L. Piro (3), F. Zuccaro (1)

(1) ISM-CNR, , Italy (2) IOM-CNR , Italy (3) INAF, Italy

the project AHEAD2020 has been approved within HORIZON 2020, for the Call H2020-INFRAIA-2019-1. It aims to advance the integration of national efforts in high-energy astrophysics keeping the community at the cutting edge of science and technology and ensuring that observatories are at the state of the art. Furthermore it will integrate key infrastructures for on-ground test and calibration of space-based instrumentation and promote their coordinated use. CNR provides to the AHEAD community the research infrastructures available to the ISM and IOM beamlines at the Elettra Italian National synchrotron laboratory. It contributes with the participation to the Transnational Access Activity 1 (TA1) of the research facility BABE for the characterization and diagnostics of optical elements, devices and related constituent materials (WP5, IOM-CNR), and to the Joint Research Action 5 for laboratory measurements of wavelengths and cross sections of inner-shell transitions of astrophysically abundant ions (WP13, ISM-CNR).


Laboratory Astrophysics, Synchrotron Radiation, Multimessenger Astronomy, X-Rays, Ground Test Facilities

CNR authors

Totani Roberta, Avaldi Lorenzo, Orlando Stefano, Coreno Marcello, Mahne Nicola, Catone Daniele, Nappini Silvia, Zuccaro Fabio, Benedetti Davide, De Simone Monica, Bondino Federica, Giglia Angelo, Magnano Elena, Salvador Federico

CNR institutes

ISM – Istituto di struttura della materia, IOM – Istituto officina dei materiali