2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Adiabatic electronic flux in molecules and in condensed matter

Resta R.

The theory of adiabatic electron transport in a correlated condensed-matter system is rooted in a seminal paper by Niu and Thouless [J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 17, 2453 (1984)]; I adopt here an analogous logic in order to retrieve the known expression for the adiabatic electronic flux in a molecular system [L. A. Nafie, J. Chem. Phys. 79, 4950 (1983)]. Its derivation here is considerably simpler than those available in the current quantum-chemistry literature; it also explicitly identifies the adiabaticity parameter, in terms of which the adiabatic flux and the electron density are both exact to first order. It is shown that the continuity equation is conserved to the same order. For the sake of completeness, I also briefly outline the relevance of the macroscopic electronic flux to the physics of solids and liquids.

Journal of chemical physics online 156 (20)

DOI: 10.1063/5.0087883

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

A Fully Linear Response G0W0 Method That Scales Linearly up to Tens of Thousands of Cores

Umari, P.

We present a G0W0approach that is based on the evaluation of the linear response of the actions of the G0and W0operators. In this way we avoid sums over empty one-particle orbitals and do not have to explicitly develop the screened Coulomb interaction W0on a dedicated basis. For a given orbital, the self-energy is found by summing terms relative to a set of points in the real-space simulation cell. This permits us to easily control the ratio of the accuracy to the computational cost. A trivial parallelization strategy allows strong linear scaling up to tens of thousands of computing cores. © 2022 American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.

The journal of physical chemistry. A

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Electronic Structure of V<inf>x</inf>Ti<inf>1- x</inf>Se<inf>2</inf>Solid Solutions with the (V,Ti)Se<inf>2</inf>Structural Fragments

Shkvarin, A. S.; Merentsov, A. I.; Postnikov, M. S.; Yarmoshenko, Yu M.; Shkvarina, E. G.; Suslov, E. A.; Kuznetsova, A. Yu; Pí?, I.; Nappini, S.; Bondino, F.; Moras, P.; Sheverdyaeva, P. M.; Betz-Guttner, E.; Titov, A. N.

The equilibrium boundary for the layered VTiSesolid solution was determined according to a set of experimental data of synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electromotive force of the Li|Li|VTiSeelectrochemical cells. This boundary appears to be 20 mol % of V (x = 0.2). The formation of the VSestructural fragments, which are tightly bounded with VTiSelayers, appears at x > 0.2. A combined analysis of the Fermi-surface maps and the atomic force microscopy images reveals that the (001) planes in VSeand VTiSestructural fragments are parallel to each other. At the same time, these fragments demonstrate turbostratic disordering within the basal plane. The formation of such pseudo-homogeneous materials is associated with the contribution of the free surface energy, which is relatively high in the quasi-two-dimensional materials.

Journal of physical chemistry. C 126 (16), pp. 7076–7085

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c10053

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Oxygen-Driven Metal-Insulator Transition in SrNbO3 Thin Films Probed by Infrared Spectroscopy

Di Pietro, Paola; Bigi, Chiara; Chaluvadi, Sandeep Kumar; Knez, Daniel; Rajak, Piu; Ciancio, Regina; Fujii, Jun; Mercuri, Francesco; Lupi, Stefano; Rossi, Giorgio; Borgatti, Francesco; Perucchi, Andrea; Orgiani, Pasquale

The occurrence of oxygen-driven metal-insulator-transition (MIT) in SrNbO3 (SNO) thin films epitaxially grown on (110)-oriented DyScO3 has been reported. SNO films are fabricated by the pulsed laser deposition technique at different partial O-2 pressure to vary the oxygen content and their structural, optical, and transport properties are probed. SNO unit cell has been found to shrink vertically as the oxygen content increases but keeping the epitaxial matching with the substrate. The results of Fourier-transform infra-red spectroscopy show that highly oxygenated SNO samples (i.e., grown at high oxygen pressure) show distinct optical conductivity behavior with respect to oxygen deficient films, hence demonstrating the insulating character of the formers with respect to those fabricated with lower pressure conditions. Tailoring the optical absorption and conductivity of strontium niobate epitaxial films across the MIT will favor novel applications of this material.

Advanced electronic materials, pp. 2101338

DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202101338

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Electronic Properties of Fully Strained La1-xSrxMnO3 Thin Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (0.15 <= x <= 0.45)

Chaluvadi, Sandeep Kumar and Polewczyk, Vincent and Petrov, Aleksandr Yu and Vinai, Giovanni and Braglia, Luca and Diez, Jose Manuel and Pierron, Victor and Perna, Paolo and Mechin, Laurence and Torelli, Piero and Orgiani, Pasquale

The structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Sr-hole doped epitaxial La1-xSrxMnO3 (0.15 <= x <= 0.45) thin films deposited using the molecular beam epitaxy technique on 4° vicinal STO (001) substrates are probed by the combination of X-ray diffraction and various synchrotron-based spectroscopy techniques. The structural characterizations evidence a significant shift in the LSMO (002) peak to the higher diffraction angles owing to the increase in Sr doping concentrations in thin films. The nature of the LSMO Mn mixed-valence state was estimated from X-ray photoemission spectroscopy together with the relative changes in the Mn L2,3 edges observed in X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), both strongly affected by doping. CTM4XAS simulations at the XAS Mn L2,3 edges reveal the combination of epitaxial strain, and different MnO6 crystal field splitting give rise to a peak at ~641 eV. The observed changes in the occupancy of the eg and the t2g orbitals as well as their binding energy positions toward the Fermi level with hole doping are discussed. The room-temperature magnetic properties were probed at the end by circular dichroism.

ACS omega 7 (17), pp. 14571–14578

DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c06529

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Testing of planar hydrogenated amorphous silicon sensors with charge selective contacts for the construction of 3D-detectors

Menichelli, M.; Bizzarri, M.; Boscardin, M.; Caprai, M.; Caricato, A. P.; Cirrone, G. A.P.; Crivellari, M.; Cupparo, I.; Cuttone, G.; Dunand, S.; Fanò, L.; Hammad, O.; Ionica, M.; Kanxheri, K.; Large, M.; Maruccio, G.; Monteduro, A. G.; Morozzi, A.; Moscatelli, F.; Papi, A.; Passeri, D.; Petasecca, M.; Petringa, G.; Quarta, G.; Rizzato, S.; Rossi, A.; Rossi, G.; Scorzoni, A.; Servoli, L.; Talamonti, C.; Verzellesi, G.; Wyrsch, N.

Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon (a-Si:H) is a well known material for its intrinsic radiation hardness and is primarily utilized in solar cells as well as for particle detection and dosimetry. Planar p-i-n diode detectors are fabricated entirely by means of intrinsic and doped PECVD of a mixture of Silane (SiH4) and molecular hydrogen. In order to develop 3D detector geometries using a-Si:H, two options for the junction fabrication have been considered: ion implantation and charge selective contacts through atomic layer deposition. In order to test the functionality of the charge selective contact electrodes, planar detectors have been fabricated utilizing this technique. In this paper, we provide a general overview of the 3D fabrication project followed by the results of leakage current measurements and X-ray dosimetric tests performed on planar diodes containing charge selective contacts to investigate the feasibility of the charge selective contact methodology for integration with the proposed 3D detector architectures.

Journal of instrumentation 17 (3)

DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/17/03/C03033

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Search for long-lived particles produced in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at ?s = 13 TeV

Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Andrejkovic, J. W.; Bergauer, T.; Chatterjee, S.; Dragicevic, M.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Frühwirth, R.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Lechner, L.; Liko, D.; Mikulec, I.; Paulitsch, P.; Pitters, F. M.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Schwarz, D.; Templ, S.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C. E.; Chekhovsky, V.; Litomin, A.; Makarenko, V.; Darwish, M. R.; De Wolf, E. A.; Janssen, T.; Kello, T.; Lelek, A.; Rejeb Sfar, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Putte, S.; Van Remortel, N.; Blekman, F.; Bols, E. S.; D'Hondt, J.; Delcourt, M.; El Faham, H.; Lowette, S.; Moortgat, S.; Morton, A.; Müller, D.; Sahasransu, A. R.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Favart, L.; Grebenyuk, A.; Kalsi, A. K.; Lee, K.; Mahdavikhorrami, M.; Makarenko, I.; Moureaux, L.; Pétré, L.; Popov, A.; Postiau, N.; Starling, E.; Thomas, L.; Vanden Bemden, M.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Wezenbeek, L.; Cornelis, T.; Dobur, D.; Knolle, J.; Lambrecht, L.; Mestdach, G.; Niedziela, M.; Roskas, C.; Samalan, A.; Skovpen, K.; Tytgat, M.; Vermassen, B.; Vit, M.; Benecke, A.; Bethani, A.; Bruno, G.; Bury, F.; Caputo, C.; David, P.; Delaere, C.; Donertas, I. S.; Giammanco, A.; Jaffel, K.; Jain, Sa; Lemaitre, V.; Mondal, K.; Prisciandaro, J.; Taliercio, A.; Teklishyn, M.; Tran, T. T.; Vischia, P.; Wertz, S.; Alves, G. A.; Hensel, C.; Moraes, A.

A search for long-lived particles (LLPs) produced in association with a Z boson is presented. The study is performed using data from proton-proton collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded by the CMS experiment during 2016-2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 117 fb. The LLPs are assumed to decay to a pair of standard model quarks that are identified as displaced jets within the CMS tracker system. Triggers and selections based on Z boson decays to electron or muon pairs improve the sensitivity to light LLPs (down to 15 GeV). This search provides sensitivity to beyond the standard model scenarios which predict LLPs produced in association with a Z boson. In particular, the results are interpreted in the context of exotic decays of the Higgs boson to a pair of scalar LLPs (H -> SS). The Higgs boson decay branching fraction is constrained to values less than 6% for proper decay lengths of 10-100 mm and for LLP masses between 40 and 55 GeV. In the case of low-mass (? 15 GeV) scalar particles that subsequently decay to a pair of b quarks, the search is sensitive to branching fractions B(H -> SS) < 20% for proper decay lengths of 10-50 mm. The use of associated production with a Z boson increases the sensitivity to low-mass LLPs of this analysis with respect to gluon fusion searches. In the case of 15 GeV scalar LLPs, the improvement corresponds to a factor of 2 at a proper decay length of 30 mm. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

The journal of high energy physics (Online) 2022 (3)

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2022)160

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Measurement of the Inclusive and Differential Higgs Boson Production Cross Sections in the Decay Mode to a Pair of ? Leptons in pp Collisions at s =13 TeV

Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Andrejkovic, J. W.; Bergauer, T.; Chatterjee, S.; Dragicevic, M.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Frühwirth, R.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Lechner, L.; Liko, D.; Mikulec, I.; Paulitsch, P.; Pitters, F. M.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Schwarz, D.; Templ, S.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C. E.; Chekhovsky, V.; Litomin, A.; Makarenko, V.; Darwish, M. R.; De Wolf, E. A.; Janssen, T.; Kello, T.; Lelek, A.; Rejeb Sfar, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Putte, S.; Van Remortel, N.; Blekman, F.; Bols, E. S.; D'Hondt, J.; Delcourt, M.; El Faham, H.; Lowette, S.; Moortgat, S.; Morton, A.; Müller, D.; Sahasransu, A. R.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Favart, L.; Grebenyuk, A.; Kalsi, A. K.; Lee, K.; Mahdavikhorrami, M.; Makarenko, I.; Moureaux, L.; Pétré, L.; Popov, A.; Postiau, N.; Starling, E.; Thomas, L.; Vanden Bemden, M.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Wezenbeek, L.; Cornelis, T.; Dobur, D.; Knolle, J.; Lambrecht, L.; Mestdach, G.; Niedziela, M.; Roskas, C.; Samalan, A.; Skovpen, K.; Tytgat, M.; Vermassen, B.; Vit, M.; Benecke, A.; Bethani, A.; Bruno, G.; Bury, F.; Caputo, C.; David, P.; Delaere, C.; Donertas, I. S.; Giammanco, A.; Jaffel, K.; Jain, Sa; Lemaitre, V.; Mondal, K.; Prisciandaro, J.; Taliercio, A.; Teklishyn, M.; Tran, T. T.; Vischia, P.; Wertz, S.; Alves, G. A.; Hensel, C.; Moraes, A.

Measurements of the inclusive and differential fiducial cross sections of the Higgs boson are presented, using the ? lepton decay channel. The differential cross sections are measured as functions of the Higgs boson transverse momentum, jet multiplicity, and transverse momentum of the leading jet in the event, if any. The analysis is performed using proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb-1. These are the first differential measurements of the Higgs boson cross section in the final state of two ? leptons. In final states with a large jet multiplicity or with a Lorentz-boosted Higgs boson, these measurements constitute a significant improvement over measurements performed in other final states.

Physical review letters (Print) 128 (8)

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.081805

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Fragmentation of jets containing a prompt J/? meson in PbPb and pp collisions at s<inf><inf>NN</inf></inf>=5.02TeV

Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Bergauer, T.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Frühwirth, R.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Lechner, L.; Liko, D.; Madlener, T.; Mikulec, I.; Pitters, F. M.; Rad, N.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Spanring, M.; Templ, S.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C. E.; Zarucki, M.; Chekhovsky, V.; Litomin, A.; Makarenko, V.; Suarez Gonzalez, J.; Darwish, M. R.; De Wolf, E. A.; Di Croce, D.; Janssen, X.; Kello, T.; Lelek, A.; Pieters, M.; Rejeb Sfar, H.; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Putte, S.; Van Remortel, N.; Blekman, F.; Bols, E. S.; Chhibra, S. S.; D'Hondt, J.; De Clercq, J.; Lontkovskyi, D.; Lowette, S.; Marchesini, I.; Moortgat, S.; Morton, A.; Python, Q.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Dorney, B.; Favart, L.; Grebenyuk, A.; Kalsi, A. K.; Makarenko, I.; Moureaux, L.; Pétré, L.; Popov, A.; Postiau, N.; Starling, E.; Thomas, L.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Vannerom, D.; Wezenbeek, L.; Cornelis, T.; Dobur, D.; Gruchala, M.; Khvastunov, I.; Niedziela, M.; Roskas, C.; Skovpen, K.; Tytgat, M.; Verbeke, W.; Vermassen, B.; Vit, M.; Bruno, G.; Bury, F.; Caputo, C.; David, P.; Delaere, C.; Delcourt, M.; Donertas, I. S.; Giammanco, A.; Lemaitre, V.; Mondal, K.; Prisciandaro, J.; Taliercio, A.; Teklishyn, M.; Vischia, P.; Wertz, S.; Wuyckens, S.; Zobec, J.; Alves, G. A.; Hensel, C.

Jets containing a prompt J/? meson are studied in lead-lead collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV, using the CMS detector at the LHC. Jets are selected to be in the transverse momentum range of 30<p<40GeV. The J/? yield in these jets is evaluated as a function of the jet fragmentation variable z, the ratio of the J/? p to the jet p. The nuclear modification factor, R, is then derived by comparing the yield in lead-lead collisions to the corresponding expectation based on proton-proton data, at the same nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy. The suppression of the J/? yield shows a dependence on z, indicating that the interaction of the J/? with the quark-gluon plasma formed in heavy ion collisions depends on the fragmentation that gives rise to the J/? meson.

Physics letters. B (Print) 825

DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136842

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Observation of B<inf>s</inf><sup>0</sup> mesons and measurement of the B<inf>s</inf><sup>0</sup>/B<sup>+</sup> yield ratio in PbPb collisions at [Formula presented] TeV

Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Ambrogi, F.; Bergauer, T.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Frühwirth, R.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Lechner, L.; Liko, D.; Madlener, T.; Mikulec, I.; Pitters, F. M.; Rad, N.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Spanring, M.; Templ, S.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C. E.; Zarucki, M.; Chekhovsky, V.; Litomin, A.; Makarenko, V.; Suarez Gonzalez, J.; Darwish, M. R.; De Wolf, E. A.; Di Croce, D.; Janssen, X.; Kello, T.; Lelek, A.; Pieters, M.; Rejeb Sfar, H.; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Putte, S.; Van Remortel, N.; Blekman, F.; Bols, E. S.; Chhibra, S. S.; D'Hondt, J.; De Clercq, J.; Lontkovskyi, D.; Lowette, S.; Marchesini, I.; Moortgat, S.; Morton, A.; Python, Q.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Dorney, B.; Favart, L.; Grebenyuk, A.; Kalsi, A. K.; Makarenko, I.; Moureaux, L.; Pétré, L.; Popov, A.; Postiau, N.; Starling, E.; Thomas, L.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Vannerom, D.; Wezenbeek, L.; Cornelis, T.; Dobur, D.; Gruchala, M.; Khvastunov, I.; Niedziela, M.; Roskas, C.; Skovpen, K.; Tytgat, M.; Verbeke, W.; Vermassen, B.; Vit, M.; Bruno, G.; Bury, F.; Caputo, C.; David, P.; Delaere, C.; Delcourt, M.; Donertas, I. S.; Giammanco, A.; Lemaitre, V.; Mondal, K.; Prisciandaro, J.; Taliercio, A.; Teklishyn, M.; Vischia, P.; Wuyckens, S.; Zobec, J.; Alves, G. A.

The B and B production yields are measured in PbPb collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of 5.02 TeV. The data sample, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.7 nb. The mesons are reconstructed in the exclusive decay channels B->s0J/?(??)?(KK) and B->+J/?(??)K, in the transverse momentum range 7-50 GeV/c and absolute rapidity 0-2.4. The B meson is observed with a statistical significance in excess of five standard deviations for the first time in nucleus-nucleus collisions. The measurements are performed as functions of the transverse momentum of the B mesons and of the PbPb collision centrality. The ratio of production yields of B and B is measured and compared to theoretical models that include quark recombination effects.

Physics letters. B (Print) 829

DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137062

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Wet-Chemical Synthesis of Porous Multifaceted Platinum Nanoparticles for Oxygen Reduction and Methanol Oxidation Reactions

Daka M.; Ferrara M.; Bevilacqua M.; Pengo P.; Rajak P.; Ciancio R.; Montini T.; Pasquato L.; Fornasiero P.

Herein, we report a facile and flexible synthesis of porous and highly faceted platinum nanoparticles (NPs) performed in the liquid phase. The synthesis is performed by reduction of platinum 2,4-pentantedionate in the presence of oleylamine and oleic acid in dibenzyl ether at 200 °C. The growth process was monitored by time-course transmission electron microscopy (TEM), revealing a peculiar progressive evolution that, in comparison with previous methodologies, is quite unusual. In fact, the morphology evolves first through nanocubes, nanostars, and dendrites to arrive at porous multifaceted NPs. This offers the possibility to selectively obtain materials with different degrees of complexity at a different time of reaction with one synthetic approach. Moreover, fine tuning of the reaction conditions was achieved by assessing, in dedicated experiments, the effects of temperature, surfactant concentration, and surfactant ratio, allowing control on NPs' dispersity and shape reproducibility. The dimensionally monodispersed NPs have a mean diameter of 52 ± 2 nm and display small regular crystallites with uniform facets exposed on the surface as evinced by high-resolution-TEM analysis. The as-prepared multifaceted platinum NPs were tested for oxygen reduction and methanol oxidation reactions exhibiting improved catalytic activity with respect to conventional Pt-based nanomaterials.

ACS applied nano materials 5 (4), pp. 4710–4720

DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.1c04149

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Search for heavy resonances decaying to WW, WZ, or WH boson pairs in a final state consisting of a lepton and a large-radius jet in proton-proton collisions at s =13 TeV

Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Andrejkovic, J. W.; Bergauer, T.; Chatterjee, S.; Dragicevic, M.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Frühwirth, R.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Lechner, L.; Liko, D.; Mikulec, I.; Paulitsch, P.; Pitters, F. M.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Spanring, M.; Templ, S.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C. E.; Chekhovsky, V.; Litomin, A.; Makarenko, V.; Darwish, M. R.; De Wolf, E. A.; Janssen, X.; Kello, T.; Lelek, A.; Rejeb Sfar, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Putte, S.; Van Remortel, N.; Blekman, F.; Bols, E. S.; D'Hondt, J.; De Clercq, J.; Delcourt, M.; El Faham, H.; Lowette, S.; Moortgat, S.; Morton, A.; Müller, D.; Sahasransu, A. R.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Favart, L.; Grebenyuk, A.; Kalsi, A. K.; Lee, K.; Mahdavikhorrami, M.; Makarenko, I.; Moureaux, L.; Pétré, L.; Popov, A.; Postiau, N.; Starling, E.; Thomas, L.; Vanden Bemden, M.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Vannerom, D.; Wezenbeek, L.; Cornelis, T.; Dobur, D.; Knolle, J.; Lambrecht, L.; Mestdach, G.; Niedziela, M.; Roskas, C.; Samalan, A.; Skovpen, K.; Tytgat, M.; Verbeke, W.; Vermassen, B.; Vit, M.; Bethani, A.; Bruno, G.; Bury, F.; Caputo, C.; David, P.; Delaere, C.; Donertas, I. S.; Giammanco, A.; Jaffel, K.; Jain, Sa; Lemaitre, V.; Mondal, K.; Prisciandaro, J.; Taliercio, A.; Teklishyn, M.; Tran, T. T.; Vischia, P.; Wertz, S.; Alves, G. A.

A search for new heavy resonances decaying to pairs of bosons (WW, WZ, or WH) is presented. The analysis uses data from proton-proton collisions collected with the CMS detector at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb-1. One of the bosons is required to be a W boson decaying to an electron or muon and a neutrino, while the other boson is required to be reconstructed as a single jet with mass and substructure compatible with a quark pair from a W, Z, or Higgs boson decay. The search is performed in the resonance mass range between 1.0 and 4.5 TeV and includes a specific search for resonances produced via vector boson fusion. The signal is extracted using a two-dimensional maximum likelihood fit to the jet mass and the diboson invariant mass distributions. No significant excess is observed above the estimated background. Model-independent upper limits on the production cross sections of spin-0, spin-1, and spin-2 heavy resonances are derived as functions of the resonance mass and are interpreted in the context of bulk radion, heavy vector triplet, and bulk graviton models. The reported bounds are the most stringent to date.

Physical review. D. Print 105 (3)

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.032008

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Measurement and QCD analysis of double-differential inclusive jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions at ?s = 13 TeV

Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Andrejkovic, J. W.; Bergauer, T.; Chatterjee, S.; Damanakis, K.; Dragicevic, M.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Frühwirth, R.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Lechner, L.; Liko, D.; Mikulec, I.; Paulitsch, P.; Pitters, F. M.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Schwarz, D.; Templ, S.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C. E.; Chekhovsky, V.; Litomin, A.; Makarenko, V.; Darwish, M. R.; De Wolf, E. A.; Janssen, T.; Kello, T.; Lelek, A.; Rejeb Sfar, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Putte, S.; Van Remortel, N.; Blekman, F.; Bols, E. S.; D'Hondt, J.; Delcourt, M.; El Faham, H.; Lowette, S.; Moortgat, S.; Morton, A.; Müller, D.; Sahasransu, A. R.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Favart, L.; Grebenyuk, A.; Kalsi, A. K.; Lee, K.; Mahdavikhorrami, M.; Makarenko, I.; Moureaux, L.; Pétré, L.; Popov, A.; Postiau, N.; Starling, E.; Thomas, L.; Vanden Bemden, M.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Cornelis, T.; Dobur, D.; Knolle, J.; Lambrecht, L.; Mestdach, G.; Niedziela, M.; Roskas, C.; Samalan, A.; Skovpen, K.; Tytgat, M.; Vermassen, B.; Wezenbeek, L.; Benecke, A.; Bethani, A.; Bruno, G.; Bury, F.; Caputo, C.; David, P.; Delaere, C.; Donertas, I. S.; Giammanco, A.; Jaffel, K.; Jain, Sa; Lemaitre, V.; Mondal, K.; Prisciandaro, J.; Taliercio, A.; Teklishyn, M.; Tran, T. T.; Vischia, P.; Wertz, S.; Alves, G. A.; Hensel, C.; Moraes, A.; Aldá Júnior, W. L.

A measurement of the inclusive jet production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at s = 13 TeV is presented. The double-differential cross sections are measured as a function of the jet transverse momentum p and the absolute jet rapidity |y|. The anti-k clustering algorithm is used with distance parameter of 0.4 (0.7) in a phase space region with jet p from 97 GeV up to 3.1 TeV and |y| < 2.0. Data collected with the CMS detector are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.3 fb (33.5 fb). The measurement is used in a comprehensive QCD analysis at next-to-next-to-leading order, which results in significant improvement in the accuracy of the parton distributions in the proton. Simultaneously, the value of the strong coupling constant at the Z boson mass is extracted as ?(m) = 0.1170±0.0019. For the first time, these data are used in a standard model effective field theory analysis at next-to-leading order, where parton distributions and the QCD parameters are extracted simultaneously with imposed constraints on the Wilson coefficient c of 4-quark contact interactions. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

The journal of high energy physics (Online) 2022 (2)

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2022)142

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Experimental evidence of Palladium dissolution in anodes for alkaline Direct Ethanol and Formate Fuel Cells

E. Berretti, M.V. Pagliaro, A. Giaccherini, G. Montegrossi, F. Di Benedetto, G. O. Lepore, F. D'Acapito, F. Vizza, A. Lavacchi

Palladium is one of the best anodic catalysts for Alkaline Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell (DAFC) applications. However, its adoption in Fuel Cells (FC) is still limited because of the deactivation of the catalyst, which hinders the long-term performance stability of the devices. In this article, we report the results of a Fixed Energy X-Ray Absorption Voltammetry (FEXRAV) investigation of a carbon-supported palladium electrocatalyst operating in a complete alkaline direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC). Our results show palladium dissolution unambiguously, especially at cell polarizations corresponding to high anodic stresses. We have also investigated the behaviour of Pd electrocatalyst in a direct alkaline formate fuel cell (DFFC). Data show that when using formate as a fuel, the electrode Pd loss is negligible compared to the case of DEFC.

Electrochimica acta 418, pp. 140351-1–140351-9

DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2022.140351

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Inclusive and differential cross section measurements of single top quark production in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at ?s = 13 TeV

Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Andrejkovic, J. W.; Bergauer, T.; Chatterjee, S.; Damanakis, K.; Dragicevic, M.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Frühwirth, R.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Lechner, L.; Liko, D.; Mikulec, I.; Paulitsch, P.; Pitters, F. M.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Schwarz, D.; Templ, S.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C. E.; Chekhovsky, V.; Litomin, A.; Makarenko, V.; Darwish, M. R.; De Wolf, E. A.; Janssen, T.; Kello, T.; Lelek, A.; Rejeb Sfar, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Putte, S.; Van Remortel, N.; Blekman, F.; Bols, E. S.; D'Hondt, J.; Delcourt, M.; El Faham, H.; Lowette, S.; Moortgat, S.; Morton, A.; Müller, D.; Sahasransu, A. R.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Favart, L.; Grebenyuk, A.; Kalsi, A. K.; Lee, K.; Mahdavikhorrami, M.; Makarenko, I.; Moureaux, L.; Pétré, L.; Popov, A.; Postiau, N.; Starling, E.; Thomas, L.; Vanden Bemden, M.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Cornelis, T.; Dobur, D.; Knolle, J.; Lambrecht, L.; Mestdach, G.; Niedziela, M.; Roskas, C.; Samalan, A.; Skovpen, K.; Tytgat, M.; Vermassen, B.; Wezenbeek, L.; Benecke, A.; Bethani, A.; Bruno, G.; Bury, F.; Caputo, C.; David, P.; Delaere, C.; Donertas, I. S.; Giammanco, A.; Jaffel, K.; Jain, Sa; Lemaitre, V.; Mondal, K.; Prisciandaro, J.; Taliercio, A.; Teklishyn, M.; Tran, T. T.; Vischia, P.; Wertz, S.; Alves, G. A.; Hensel, C.; Moraes, A.; Rebello Teles, P.

Inclusive and differential cross sections of single top quark production in association with a Z boson are measured in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb recorded by the CMS experiment. Events are selected based on the presence of three leptons, electrons or muons, associated with leptonic Z boson and top quark decays. The measurement yields an inclusive cross section of 87.9-7.3+7.5(stat)-6.0+7.3(syst) fb for a dilepton invariant mass greater than 30 GeV, in agreement with standard model (SM) calculations and represents the most precise determination to date. The ratio between the cross sections for the top quark and the top antiquark production in association with a Z boson is measured as 2.37-0.42+0.56(stat)-0.13+0.27(syst). Differential measurements at parton and particle levels are performed for the first time. Several kinematic observables are considered to study the modeling of the process. Results are compared to theoretical predictions with different assumptions on the source of the initial-state b quark and found to be in agreement, within the uncertainties. Additionally, the spin asymmetry, which is sensitive to the top quark polarization, is determined from the differential distribution of the polarization angle at parton level to be 0.54 ± 0.16 (stat) ± 0.06 (syst), in agreement with SM predictions. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

The journal of high energy physics (Online) 2022 (2)

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2022)107

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Measurement of double-parton scattering in inclusive production of four jets with low transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at ?s = 13 TeV

Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Andrejkovic, J. W.; Bergauer, T.; Chatterjee, S.; Dragicevic, M.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Frühwirth, R.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Lechner, L.; Liko, D.; Mikulec, I.; Paulitsch, P.; Pitters, F. M.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Spanring, M.; Templ, S.; Waltenberger, W.; Wulz, C. E.; Chekhovsky, V.; Litomin, A.; Makarenko, V.; Darwish, M. R.; De Wolf, E. A.; Janssen, X.; Kello, T.; Lelek, A.; Pieters, M.; Rejeb Sfar, H.; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Putte, S.; Van Remortel, N.; Blekman, F.; Bols, E. S.; D'Hondt, J.; De Clercq, J.; Delcourt, M.; El Faham, H.; Lowette, S.; Moortgat, S.; Morton, A.; Müller, D.; Sahasransu, A. R.; Tavernier, S.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Beghin, D.; Bilin, B.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Favart, L.; Grebenyuk, A.; Kalsi, A. K.; Lee, K.; Mahdavikhorrami, M.; Makarenko, I.; Moureaux, L.; Pétré, L.; Popov, A.; Postiau, N.; Starling, E.; Thomas, L.; Vanden Bemden, M.; Vander Velde, C.; Vanlaer, P.; Vannerom, D.; Wezenbeek, L.; Cornelis, T.; Dobur, D.; Knolle, J.; Lambrecht, L.; Mestdach, G.; Niedziela, M.; Roskas, C.; Samalan, A.; Skovpen, K.; Tytgat, M.; Verbeke, W.; Vermassen, B.; Vit, M.; Bethani, A.; Bruno, G.; Bury, F.; Caputo, C.; David, P.; Delaere, C.; Donertas, I. S.; Giammanco, A.; Jaffel, K.; Jain, Sa; Lemaitre, V.; Mondal, K.; Prisciandaro, J.; Taliercio, A.; Teklishyn, M.; Tran, T. T.; Vischia, P.

A measurement of inclusive four-jet production in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is presented. The transverse momenta of jets within |?| < 4.7 are required to exceed 35, 30, 25, and 20 GeV for the first-, second-, third-, and fourth-leading jet, respectively. Differential cross sections are measured as functions of the jet transverse momentum, jet pseudorapidity, and several other observables that describe the angular correlations between the jets. The measured distributions show sensitivity to different aspects of the underlying event, parton shower modeling, and matrix element calculations. In particular, the interplay between angular correlations caused by parton shower and double-parton scattering contributions is shown to be important. The double-parton scattering contribution is extracted by means of a template fit to the data, using distributions for single-parton scattering obtained from Monte Carlo event generators and a double-parton scattering distribution constructed from inclusive single-jet events in data. The effective double-parton scattering cross section is calculated and discussed in view of previous measurements and of its dependence on the models used to describe the single- parton scattering background. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

The journal of high energy physics (Online) 2022 (1)

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2022)177

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Pushing Stoichiometries of Lithium-Rich Layered Oxides Beyond Their Limits

Celeste A.; Brescia R.; Greco G.; Torelli P.; Mauri S.; Silvestri L.; Pellegrini V.; Brutti S.

Lithium-rich layered oxides (LRLOs) are opening unexplored frontiers for high-capacity/high-voltage positive electrodes in Li-ion batteries (LIBs) to meet the challenges of green and safe transportation as well as cheap and sustainable stationary energy storage from renewable sources. LRLOs exploit the extra lithiation provided by the Li1.2TM0.8O2 stoichiometries (TM = a blend of transition metals with a moderate cobalt content) achievable by a layered structure to disclose specific capacities beyond 200-250 mA h g-1 and working potentials in the 3.4-3.8 V range versus Li. Here, we demonstrate an innovative paradigm to extend the LRLO concept. We have balanced the substitution of cobalt in the transition-metal layer of the lattice with aluminum and lithium, pushing the composition of LRLO to unexplored stoichiometries, that is, Li1.2+x(Mn,Ni,Co,Al)0.8-xO2-?. The fine tuning of the composition of the metal blend results in an optimized layered material, that is, Li1.28Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.02Al0.03O2-?, with outstanding electrochemical performance in full LIBs, improved environmental benignity, and reduced manufacturing costs compared to the state-of-the-art.

ACS applied energy materials Online 5 (2), pp. 1905–1913

DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.1c03396

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

The ground and ionized states of azulene: A combined study of the vibrational energy levels by photoionization, configuration interaction, and density functional calculations

Palmer M.H.; Coreno M.; de Simone M.; Grazioli C.; Jones N.C.; Hoffmann S.V.; Aitken R.A.

A synchrotron-based photoionization spectrum of azulene shows a significant additional vibrational fine structure when compared to previous studies. This spectrum was successfully analyzed by using Franck-Condon (FC) methods. Previously reported zero-kinetic-energy electron spectra for azulene have been reinterpreted in FC terms, leading to some alternative assignments to the earlier work. The sequence of ionic states has been determined by using ab initio configuration interaction (CI) methods, leading to reliable theoretical values for both the calculated adiabatic ionization energy (AIE) and vertical ionization energy (VIE). VIEs were calculated by both symmetry-adapted cluster (SAC-CI), together with Green's function (GF) and Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA), and single excitation CI methods; AIEs for highest states of each symmetry were determined by open-shell self-consistent field (SCF) methods at the restricted Hartree-Fock level. Complete active space SCF was used for the pairs of 1A + 2A and 1B + 2B states, each of which occurs as antisymmetric and symmetric (higher energy) combinations. The combined ionic state sequences (AIE and VIE) from these methods are 1A < 1B < 2A < 2B. The photoelectron spectrum (PES) shows a series of broadbands above 11 eV, each of which is attributed to more than one ionization. The calculated PES sequence of states of up to 19 eV shows that the SAC-CI and GF results are in almost exact agreement. The internal spacing of the bands is best reproduced by the simpler GF and TDA methods. States involving simultaneous ionization and electronic excitation are considered by both SAC-CI and TDA methods.

The Journal of chemical physics 156

DOI: 10.1063/5.0073505

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Frontier orbital stability of nitroxyl organic radicals probed by means of inner shell resonantly enhanced valence band photoelectron spectroscopy

Totani R.; Ljubic I.; Ciavardini A.; Grazioli C.; Galdenzi F.; De Simone M.; Coreno M.

We have investigated the frontier orbitals of persistent organic radicals known as nitroxyls by resonant photoelectron spectroscopy (ResPES) under inner shell excitation. By means of this site-specific technique, we were able to disentangle the different atomic contributions to the outer valence molecular orbitals and examine several core-hole relaxation pathways involving the singly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO) localized on the nitroxyl group. To interpret the ResPES intensity trends, especially the strong enhancement of the SOMO ionized state at the N K-edge, we computed the Dyson spin orbitals (DSOs) pertaining to the transitions between the core-excited initial states and several of the singly ionized valence final states. We found that the computed vertical valence ionization potentials and norms of the DSOs are reasonably reliable when based on the long-range corrected CAM-B3LYP density functional. Thanks to their unpaired electrons, nitroxyls have recently found application in technological fields implying a spin control, such as spintronics and quantum computing. The present findings on the electronic structure of nitroxyl persistent radicals furnish important hints for their implementation in technological devices and, more in general, for the synthesis of new and stable organic radicals with tailored properties.

PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics (Print) 24, pp. 1993–2003

DOI: 10.1039/d1cp05264k

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Clarifying the Adsorption of Triphenylamine on Au(111): Filling the HOMO-LUMO Gap

Zhang T.; Svensson P.H.W.; Brumboiu I.E.; Lanzilotto V.; Grazioli C.; Guarnaccio A.; Johansson F.O.L.; Beranova K.; Coreno M.; de Simone M.; Floreano L.; Cossaro A.; Brena B.; Puglia C.

In this article, we analyze the electronic structure modifications of triphenylamine (TPA), a well-known electron donor molecule widely used in photovoltaics and optoelectronics, upon deposition on Au(111) at a monolayer coverage. A detailed study was carried out by synchrotron radiation-based photoelectron spectroscopy, near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and ab initio calculations. We detect a new feature in the pre-edge energy region of the N K-edge NEXAFS spectrum that extends over 3 eV, which we assign to transitions involving new electronic states. According to our calculations, upon adsorption, a number of new unoccupied electronic states fill the energy region between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the free TPA molecule and give rise to the new feature in the pre-edge region of the NEXAFS spectrum. This finding highlights the occurrence of a considerable modification of the electronic structure of TPA. The appearance of new states in the HOMO-LUMO gap of TPA when adsorbed on Au(111) has crucial implications for the design of molecular nanoelectronic devices based on similar donor systems.

Journal of physical chemistry. C 126, pp. 1635–1643

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c08877

InstituteSelected 1/199

IOM, Istituto officina dei materiali

    ISTI, Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'informazione "Alessandro Faedo" (16395)
    ISPC, Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale (9564)
    IFC, Istituto di fisiologia clinica (7773)
    ISMAR, Istituto di scienze marine (7664)
    ISAC, Istituto di scienze dell'atmosfera e del clima (7466)
    IRPI, Istituto di ricerca per la protezione idrogeologica (7354)
    IGAG, Istituto di geologia ambientale e geoingegneria (7114)
    ICMATE, Istituto di Chimica della Materia Condensata e di Tecnologie per l'Energia (6874)
    ISPA, Istituto di scienze delle produzioni alimentari (6576)
    ICB, Istituto di chimica biomolecolare (6479)
AuthorSelected 0/658
    D'acapito Francesco (242)
    Floreano Luca (194)
    Coreno Marcello (184)
    Kivimaki Antti Eerik (145)
    De Simone Monica (142)
    Gubbiotti Gianluca (130)
    Verdini Alberto (123)
    Panaccione Giancarlo (120)
    Giglia Angelo (117)
    Magnano Elena (115)
TypeSelected 0/26
    Articolo in rivista (3878)
    Contributo in atti di convegno (136)
    Presentazione (68)
    Contributo in volume (50)
    Poster (28)
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    Rapporto di ricerca (Research report) (9)
    Software (9)
    Abstract in atti di convegno (8)
    Altro prodotto (6)
Research programSelected 0/256
    MD.P06.016.003, MD.P06.016.001 Proprieta' elettroniche e strutturali di sistemi a bassa dimensionalita' (308)
    MD.P06.025.002, MD.P06.025.001 Teoria, simulazione e progetto assistito dal calcolatore di materiali nanostrutturati (301)
    MD.P04.007.001, Sviluppo di strumentazione e di metodologie sperimentali avanzate per lo studio delle proprieta strutturali dei materiali con raggi X da sincrotrone (148)
    MD.P06.014.002, MD.P06.014.001 Teoria e modeling computazionale di materiali e processi per le nanoscienze (131)
    MD.P06.016.004, MD.P06.016.002 Sistemi a bassa densita' e nanostrutture in fase gassosa (131)
    MD.P06.024.002, MD.P06.024.001 Fluidi quantistici e sistemi elettronici fortemente correlati alla nanoscala e in dispositivi (120)
    MD.P02.016.002, MD.P02.016.001 Materia soffice: diffusione elastica ed anelastica di neutroni e raggi-x (107)
    MD.P04.006.004, MD.P04.006.001 Transizioni di fase e proprietà magnetiche in ossidi fortemente correlati, interfacce metallo-semiconduttore, metalli anomali e superconduttori (98)
    MD.P04.013.002, MD.P04.013.001 Studio della struttura elettronica e delle proprietà magnetiche di sistemi inorganici, organici e nanostrutturati (98)
    MD.P03.026.001, Dinamica dei processi atomici e molecolari (88)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/3
    FP7 (28)
    H2020 (12)
    FP5 (4)
EU ProjectSelected 0/28
    IFOX (5)
    SUPERBAD (4)
    MESO (3)
    NFFA-Europe (3)
    MIMIC (2)
    PHOSFUN (2)
    VOLPE (2)
    AHEAD2020 (1)
    ESCORT (1)
YearSelected 0/34
    2015 (350)
    2012 (349)
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    2011 (328)
    2010 (323)
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    2014 (316)
    2016 (290)
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LanguageSelected 0/6
    Inglese (3667)
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    Inglese medio (1100-1500) (10)
    Francese (2)
    Russo (1)
KeywordSelected 0/5601
    DFT (37)
    Brillouin light scattering (30)
    NEXAFS (30)
    XAS (29)
    photoemission (29)
    XPS (27)
    density functional theory (25)
    Graphene (24)
    graphene (24)
    neutron scattering (22)