Prefazione/Introduzione/Postfazione, 2021, ENG

BH6 Introduction

Hess C.W., Manuelli F.

CNR-ISPC, Roma, Italy; Altorientalistik FU Berlin

The first volume of the proceedings of the conference 'Broadening Horizons 6 -- Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times, and Space in Dialogue' gathers the papers presented in three sessions: Session 1 -- Entanglement. Material Culture and Written Sources in Dialogue; Session 2 -- Integrating Sciences in Historical and Archaeological Research; Session 5 -- Which Continuity? Evaluating Stability, Transformation, and Change in Transitional Periods. The range of topics covered here is certainly bewildering, and leaves us shuttling across vast periods and regions, from Neolithic Göbekli Tepe to the ink recipes of medieval Arabic manuscripts. At the core of each session and paper, however, is not only the overt confrontation with methodology in dealing with the evidence, but the need for multiple, intersecting methodologies in order to interpret that evidence in any meaningful sense.


Ancient Near Easztern Archaeology, Ancient Near East, Conference Proceedings

CNR authors

Manuelli Federico

CNR institutes

ISPC – Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale

ID: 464499

Year: 2021

Type: Prefazione/Introduzione/Postfazione

Creation: 2022-02-25 16:33:25.000

Last update: 2022-02-27 08:51:08.000

External links

OAI-PMH: Dublin Core



External IDs

CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:464499