Monografia o trattato scientifico, 2022, ENG

Methodology for the Energy Renovation of Heritage Buildings using BIM

Gigliarelli E.; Calcerano F.; Martinelli L.

CNR-ISPC, Roma, Italy; CNR-ISPC, Rome, Italy; CNR-ISPC, Rome, Italy;

This technical guideline proposes a methodology for the energy audit of a historical building to support its energy and environmental improvement (as shown in the Energy Audit Process Flow schema based on the EN 16247-2:2014), from the analyses to the design stage up to the implementation, using Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) to attract funding. Each section of the guideline can also be used as a technical specification for tender activities. An extended version of this document is available online at the Url: and includes also reference templates for drafting the reports required by each activity. 1.2 GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION This guideline was developed within the ENI CBC Med BEEP project and aims to enhance the capacity of public local administrations to design and realise innovative energy and environmental improvement interventions on historic public buildings, through a multidisciplinary and integrated digital approach, using Building Information Modelling and performance-based design to develop an Energy Efficient Heritage Building Information Model - EE-HBIM. The guideline is based on the testing of this emerging technology on built heritage in seven different EU and non-EU Mediterranean countries, to demonstrate its scalability to the entire building stock of the Med area. The project will provide public administrations with a powerful method for the energy rehabilitation of public buildings to be supported with private funds through Energy Performance Contracting (EPC). The HBIM model should integrate previously collected information on the historical building (geometric, diagnostic, environmental data), to create a comprehensive documentation of its current state. Moreover, the model will be used as a basis to inform the subsequent simulation-based energy-environmental improvement concept, through energy renovation scenarios that are both compatible with the building and capable to enhance its energy and environmental performance.


built heritage, energy efficiency, heritage BIM, building performance simulation, energy performance contracts, HBIm, BPS, EPC, heritage compatibility, interoperability

CNR authors

Gigliarelli Elena, Calcerano Filippo, Martinelli Letizia

CNR institutes

ISPC – Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale

ID: 481164

Year: 2022

Type: Monografia o trattato scientifico

Creation: 2023-05-04 12:37:38.000

Last update: 2024-01-04 15:30:43.000

External IDs

CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:481164