2023, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

Tradition in Innovation. Some Considerations on SLAM Technique Integration for Historic Buildings

Calvano M.; Cessari L.; Gigliarelli E.

Digital processes for modelling the historic built environment have changed research methods, expanding the domain of knowledge that surrounds cultural heritage, involving different expertise. Research activities make use of methods and tools, thinking of methods as permanent concepts in a process in which hardware and software tools, on the contrary, change as a function of continuous digital evolution. To preserve a conscious knowledge of the artefact, it is appropriate to review the new modes of massive accumulation of information about processes consolidated in time and history. In the field of digital surveying, some techniques and technologies are more suitable than others for this critical reinterpretation, allowing the integration of innovative activities through the support of traditional concepts. We are talking about laser surveying using SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) technology, which is particularly useful for surveying sites in inaccessible and difficult-to-reach locations. This technology presents a dynamic way of acquiring spatial information, centred on the prefiguration of capture paths capable of producing clouds of centimetric accuracy, which can be implemented through integration with other technologies. The integration process was tested on the monastery of St. Mary in Goranxi, a cultural asset located in southern Albania, as part of the MAECI mission; the project involved several local and Italian cultural institutions.


2023, Contributo in atti di convegno, ITA/ENG

Integrated digital processes for the management and conservation of large cultural sites and historic building complexes: the former Florio plant of the Favignana tuna fishery

Bernabei L.; Calderoni L.; Calvano M.; Martinelli L.; Calcerano F. Gigliarelli E.

Cultural heritage management requires a constant integration of specialised knowledge, essential to ensure its protection. The present work on the Florio former tuna factory in Favignana illustrates an HBIM procedure that aims to integrate 3D data acquisition and modelling to accommodate a wide and complex range of information into a single centralised digital system.

3D Modeling & BIM 2023 - Soluzioni per il Cultural Heritage, Roma, 12/04/2023

2023, Articolo in rivista, ITA/ENG

HBIM for information management of diagnostics in conservation projects: the case of the St. John Monastery in Müstair

Tennenini C.; Gatto L.; Calvano M.; Martinelli L.; Calcerano F.; Gigliarelli E.

This paper describes a project integrating HBIM methodology with a portion of the diagnostic data collected by the MOLAB campaign, a mobile laboratory of the European Research Infrastructure on Heritage Science E-RIHS, to study and preserve the monastery church of St. John in Müstair.

Dn 12, pp. 62–71

2023, Poster, ENG

An open workflow for the digitisation of built heritage

Cursi S.; Martinelli L.; Calvano M.; Calcerano F.; Cessari L.; Gigliarelli E.

Built heritage, in addition to being an element of cultural identity, is to be regarded as a source of inspiration and creativity for present and future generations. It is an ever-evolving repository of knowledge about culture and society, which, due to its importance and uniqueness, must be preserved. Historical buildings are the expression of the traditions and techniques of people and societies that made them and thus must be studied and documented to prevent loss or damage, also ensuring that any restoration, maintenance, and reuse activities are undertaken consciously. To date, existing digital methods are not always appropriate for the built heritage sector. At the same time, older domain experts and physical textual archives collected a large amount of unique knowledge which is only partially transferred to digital resources. Examples are historical construction techniques, terminology for damage pathologies and heritage elements, etc. Transferring this knowledge into new applications and open data spaces could prevent its loss and improve its sharing. In recent years, the digitalisation of existing knowledge has been widely debated; there are currently many digital resources available to improve modeling capabilities and solve complex problems in well-defined subject areas of analysis, conservation and restoration. However, this research faces the scattering of a wide variety of digital data, that is distributed in numerous independent archives and possesses a great heterogeneity in the type of media and formats used. Among them, the gradual introduction of Building Information Modelling in the field of built heritage - also referred to as Heritage BIM - HBIM - has only partially mitigated the criticality; especially on aspects concerning representation through standard formats, transmission, and consistency of modeled data, especially in open collaborative formats and platforms. A selection of multiple technologies should be made on a case by case basis. To solve some of the aforementioned problems, this paper proposes an innovative workflow to integrate technologies related to Open Data, Semantic Web, Linked Data, and HBIM , to manage all the knowledge collected, used and shared for the conservation and enhancement of historical buildings in a collaborative platform, including .geometric-constructive aspects from direct analysis up to intangible data from indirect sources and related to traditions and knowledge of arts and crafts. Such an approach, and the models based on it, would support the ideal collaborative space for the management of open built heritage data, in the framework of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC); thus, they can take on a richer meaning and value, becoming an integral part of an information network that enables their correlation with different disciplines. The adoption of this open data space workflow, within EOSC, will allow experts and stakeholders in the field to gather the knowledge about construction techniques, spread in different resources around the world. This will enable interdisciplinary exchange and interoperability, as well as promote a culture of data sharing on the permanence and mutations of architectural typologies built over the centuries in Europe, helping to foster a deeper engagement of heritage in modern society.

DARIAH Annual Event 2023: Cultural Heritage Data as Humanities Research Data?, Budapest, 7-9/6/2023

2022, Articolo in rivista, ITA/ENG

Depth of information content in HBIM procedures

D'Angelo E.; Calvano M.

Il contributo propone strumenti per rappresentare le distinte condizioni morfologiche e semantiche degli edifici storici (materiali e tecnologie, modelli di degrado e danni) in un processo HBIM, avanzando possibili soluzioni anche in risposta alle complesse indicazioni normative sul fabbisogno informativo degli oggetti digitali.

Dn 11, pp. 61–71

2022, Articolo in rivista, ITA/ENG

Digital models for built heritage representation and management

Cursi S.; Martinelli L.; Calcerano F.; Calvano M.; Cessari L.; Gigliarelli E.

Nell'ultimo decennio i processi digitali hanno fortemente influenzato le modalità di rappresentazione e gestione delle informazioni riguardanti il patrimonio costruito e le conseguenti attività di conservazione e valorizzazione condotte dagli specialisti del settore. Se da un lato ciò ha comportato un notevole aumento dei dati prodotti altrettanto evidenti sono le difficoltà riscontrate nell'archiviazione e gestione di tale conoscenza, con conseguente perdita di dati e dispersione della memoria legata alla progettazione e alla costruzione degli edifici storici. Il presente lavoro intende illustrare le potenzialità che un approccio basato sui modelli può offrire per rappresentare la multiforme ricchezza e unicità del patrimonio architettonico, sia dal punto di vista materiale che immateriale, e di farsi così portatore della conoscenza e della memoria degli artigiani che lo hanno realizzato.

Dn 11, pp. 14–21

2022, Contributo in atti di convegno, ITA/ENG


Calvano M.

The pandemic, that started in the year 2019 due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, did not interrupt the 3D Modeling & BIM workshop, which has been held telematically ever since. This year, in the edition dedicated to "Information and 3D Modeling for the Built Heritage", I had the pleasure of participating as keynote speaker in the role of researcher and professional expert in visual programming processes for architecture and design. My speech aimed to emphasise how Building Information Modeling (BIM) today is a great container of knowledge, capable of combining the various disciplines that gravitate around the vast theme of modelling, particularly for historical buildings.

3D Modeling & BIM, Roma, 07/04/2022

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Parametric Experiments on Palladio's 5 by 3 Villas

Spallone R.; Calvano M.

This paper investigates and describes the parametric reconstruction of Palladio's villas, using his treatise, I Quattro libri dell'architettura, as the primary source. The process starts with an extensive comparison of Palladio's rooms' ratios, the compositional rules of the villas' plans, and the digital creation of parametric architectural elements. Finally, the process of parametric construction on three selected case studies of 5 by 3 villas--Villa Poiana, Villa Zeno, and Villa Thiene in Cicogna--is undertaken. The developed instrument offers an experimental laboratory in which different hypotheses of integration by the authors, or other scholars with reference to the sources, could be tested.

Nexus network journal (Online)

DOI: 10.1007/s00004-022-00592-1

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Parametric Processes for the Implementation of HBIM-Visual Programming Language for the Digitisation of the Index of Masonry Quality

Calvano M.; Martinelli L.; Calcerano F.; Gigliarelli E.

The heterogeneity and historical complexity of interventions on built heritage are testified by the constant development of the conservation discipline. The purpose of the research is the development of a digital workflow of parametric modelling for the analysis and conservation of historical buildings, by applying visual programming language (VPL) to support the Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) methodology. VPL represents a tool for explicit parametric modelling that can be used to enhance geometric and information enrichment of HBIM models. The paper describes the integration, within an HBIM-VPL process, of the Index of Masonry Quality, widely used for seismic structural analysis, and its application to a case study in Cornillo Nuovo, a village damaged by the earthquake of Amatrice in 2016. Similar approaches could enhance HBIM modelling to support different knowledge domains associated with built heritage.

ISPRS international journal of geo-information 11, pp. 1–19

DOI: 10.3390/ijgi11020093

2021, Contributo in volume, ITA/ENG

Implementation of HBIM tools to enhance the knowledge of historical buildings. Digitisation of the Index of Masonry Quality

Calcerano F.; Martinelli L.; Calvano M.; Gigliarelli E.

The purpose of the research is the the development of a digital workflow for the implementation of tools for historical buildings' evaluation. We propose the integration, within an HBIM process, of the Index of Masonry Quality, developed in 2000 by the University of Perugia, then refined and updated thanks to the researches conducted by the Network of University Laboratories of Earthquake Engineering (ReLUIS), and widely used in structural analysis.

2021, Articolo in rivista, ITA/ENG

Knowing the built heritage through digitised procedures. The index of masonry quality integrated in HBIM processes

Calcerano F.; Martinelli L.; Calvano M.; Gigliarelli E.

The research aims to integrate the Index of Masonry Quality into a Heritage BIM workflow, with the support of Visual Programming Language (VPL). The study is part of a broader set of investigation methods for the digitisation of built heritage for facilitating the management and accessibility of information. By reducing analyses' costs and time, it is suitable for urban scale evaluation of vernacular historic centres.

Dn 8, pp. 6–18

2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Testing and Defning a Complex Design Through Digital and Physical Models

Calvano M.; Mancini M.F.

This paper presents the methodology adopted in an application of shape optimisation and digital fabrication conducted in the field of wooden furniture design. Experience has allowed the authors to define the models that support the creative process, identifying their respective peculiarities and their contribution to the design process as a process of experimentation, which takes place between digital and physical, not only defining the form of the idea but also correctly representing the tested model and its use, and allowing a dialogue between the stylistic requirements of the designed shape and the technical needs of the built one. The phases of the methodology are applied to the project of furnishing the lounge bar and restaurant area of the Oasis Skyview hotel in Doha (Qatar). The coordinated dialogue between the different models allows the definition of the design project, creating a workflow that significantly reduces the distance between the project and construction.

Nexus network journal (Online) 23 (4), pp. 995–1016

DOI: 10.1007/s00004-021-00569-6

2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG/ITA

Knowledge representation through cognitive maps to foster collaborative research

Gigliarelli E.; Calcerano F.; Calvano C.; Cursi S.; Lorenzi L.; Martinelli L.; Sibilla M.

Research increasingly makes use of multidisciplinary contributions to achieve valid and shared results. The synergy between different areas of knowledge is greater the clearer the language of sharing. Cognitive maps, an instrument belonging in general to the sphere of cognitive sciences, propose a language for sharing knowledge using graphic codes for the synthesis of concepts. This article proposes a revision of the "grammar" generally used for the modelling of cognitive maps, aiming at a representation of knowledge capable of facilitating the access to the information produced. The prototype map was then applied for content sharing as part of the PRIN TECH-START project, in which a seminar was held involving experts in conservation, representation of architecture, representation of knowledge, technical physics, computer science, IoT, evaluation and estimation, and the technology of architecture. Different experts were asked to express their opinion on the barriers to the use of new enabling technologies and smart environments as a support to the evolution of processes for the management, conservation, documentation, predictive control, non-destructive diagnostics and energy improvement of historical buildings. The joint use of these tools produces complex heterogeneous data that require an interdisciplinary approach, involving very different actors with the common need to share their knowledge.

Dn 7, pp. 68–82

2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Interactive Digital Environments for Cultural Heritage and Museums. Building a digital ecosystem to display hidden collections

Lo Turco, M.; Piumatti P.; Calvano M.; Giovannini E.C.; Mafrici N.; Tomalini A.; Fanini B.

The paper presents the final outcome of a project carried out through the collaboration between Politecnico di Torino and Museo Egizio of Turin. The main aim of the project has been to make available a small series of artefacts that are part of the museum collection through their virtual reproduction. The research investigates procedures that are used for the dissemination of cultural heritage in museum context. This practices and the use of media and the web for dissemination purposes became part of a contemporary digital ecosystem that involves heritage institutions and museums. The paper describes the workflows used to develop different kind of outputs using the same content, and how it is possible to reuse digital resources for the communication and the visualisation of cultural heritage in an attractive way through the use of the latest visualisation technologies and web applications. The final stage of the proposed research, in addition to the others already developed solution, consists on an edutainment web application that assists the user in the discovery of historical iconography associated with digital models, with the intent to educate on the understanding of the drawn space and to visualise some contents of the Museo Egizio of Turin: the 'Expedition models of Egyptian Architecture'. The digital ecosystem developed for the project consists on a set of digital data of historical documentation and the digital replica of the museum collection: a set of wood maquettes representing ancient Egyptian buildings. The task, carried out in collaboration with the VHLab, CNR ISPC (Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale), allows to narrate the meeting of two different cultures, cultural institutions and science of representation, creating a new reasoned storytelling.

Disegnare con... 12 (23)

DOI: 10.20365/disegnarecon.23.2019.7

2017, Contributo in volume, ITA/ENG

Heritage BIM: Methodological Reflections and Interoperability with Numerical Simulations

Gigliarelli E.; Calcerano F.; Calvano M.; Ruperto F.; Sacco M.; Cessari L.

Energy efficiency, sustainability of interventions and efficient management of the conservation process are three increasingly important features of the restoration and regeneration of urban historic fabrics. Several studies identify in the Heritage-BIM the most suitable instrument for the integration and management of knowledge produced during the conservation process, with ongoing experiments that, from the field of representation and geometric survey, have gone in the direction of a multidisciplinary approach. Numerical simulations are one of the most powerful tools for improving energy efficiency of the built heritage, not only for the understanding of complex phenomena and the analysis of the energy and environmental consequences of conservation interventions (also in terms of deterioration), but also because they allow innovative applications in the field of non-destructive analysis and in the reconstruction of the original passive behaviour of historic structures. An HBIM model already contains much of the information required for numerical analysis of historical structures, and interoperability can save time by reducing errors in manual steps but at the moment the process of integration between the two software environments is still complex and in an embryonic phase that requires a multidisciplinary approach and the involvement of numerous experts from different scientific fields. The article describes the methodology of integration between multidisciplinary analyses, HBIM modelling and simulation analysis adopted within the METRICS research project, where it was possible to test the limits and potentials of the currently available approaches, exploiting the digital medium of computational design to bridge the gap between BIM and simulation environments.

2017, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

Integrated Numerical Analysis and Building Information Modeling for Cultural Heritage

Gigliarelli E, Calcerano F, Calvano M, Ruperto F, Sacco M, and Cessari L,

The use of numerical simulation applied to heritage buildings triggers a tremendous increase in complexity and at the present time, few studies focus on this issue and the problems of their calibrations. The difficulties are affected by many factors: the complex geometry involved, the non-standardization of building elements, the inertial behaviour of the wall masses, the importance of moisture transport; in short, the complexity of managing the design workflows in a conservation project of historical buildings. The integration of numerical simulation and Building Information Modeling is not yet automated and relies heavily on the manual steps and the individual experience. The research analyses the high potential of the use of the simulation of building performance, and the computational design along with Heritage Building Information Modeling, with the aim of pushing the three technologies to their potential limits, and promote their evolution towards an easier practical application. The paper presents an experimental HBIM workflow applied to a case study of a building located in an Italian historic centre and discusses a number of problems that still exist in the application of these workflows. They range from finding a correct set of information necessary for the analysis to the lack of interoperability that still exists between the software, up to the difficulties of the methodological approach. The results show that through a combination of recent open source software constantly evolving, it is possible to overcome some of the obstacles that prevent an effective interoperability between individual software, paving the way for an increasing number of useful solutions in the built heritage conservation.

3nd Italy IBPSA Conference BSA 2017 "Building Simulation Application", Bolzano (Italia), 08/02/2017, 11/02/2017Building Simulation Application
InstituteSelected 0/1
    ISPC, Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale (16)
AuthorSelected 1/12016

Calvano Michele

    Drioli Enrico (1623)
    Pasetto Gaia (1193)
    Passer Mauro (1184)
    Arico' Antonino Salvatore (983)
    Ambrosio Luigi (981)
    Di Marzo Vincenzo (976)
    Ferrari Maurizio (948)
    Viegi Giovanni (906)
    Antonucci Vincenzo (866)
    Ferraro Pietro (849)
TypeSelected 0/4
    Articolo in rivista (9)
    Contributo in atti di convegno (4)
    Contributo in volume (2)
    Poster (1)
Research programSelected 0/3
    DUS.AD017.087.002, IDEHA -ISPC (1)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/1
    NSF (1)
EU ProjectSelected 0/1
    "COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Compositional and thermal variations in the mantle transition zone from integrated seismological and petrological investigations" (1)
YearSelected 0/6
    2022 (5)
    2023 (4)
    2021 (3)
    2017 (2)
    2019 (1)
    2020 (1)
LanguageSelected 0/2
    Inglese (16)
    Italiano (9)
KeywordSelected 0/69
    HBIM (8)
    Built Heritage (4)
    VPL (4)
    BIM (3)
    Interoperability (2)
    Visual Programming Language (2)
    conservation (2)
    workflow (2)
    Andrea Palladio (1)
    Architectural elements parametrization (1)