Articolo in rivista, 2022, ENG, 10.3390/ijgi11020093
Calvano M.; Martinelli L.; Calcerano F.; Gigliarelli E.
CNR-ISPC, Roma, Italy
The heterogeneity and historical complexity of interventions on built heritage are testified by the constant development of the conservation discipline. The purpose of the research is the development of a digital workflow of parametric modelling for the analysis and conservation of historical buildings, by applying visual programming language (VPL) to support the Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) methodology. VPL represents a tool for explicit parametric modelling that can be used to enhance geometric and information enrichment of HBIM models. The paper describes the integration, within an HBIM-VPL process, of the Index of Masonry Quality, widely used for seismic structural analysis, and its application to a case study in Cornillo Nuovo, a village damaged by the earthquake of Amatrice in 2016. Similar approaches could enhance HBIM modelling to support different knowledge domains associated with built heritage.
ISPRS international journal of geo-information 11 , pp. 1–19
HBIM applications, VPL, parametric modelling, metamodelling, visual programming in BIM, HBIM interoperability, HBIM for conservation and maintenance, seismic analysis
Martinelli Letizia, Calvano Michele, Gigliarelli Elena, Calcerano Filippo
ID: 463260
Year: 2022
Type: Articolo in rivista
Creation: 2022-01-27 14:49:43.000
Last update: 2022-03-02 11:09:49.000
CNR institutes
External IDs
CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:463260
DOI: 10.3390/ijgi11020093