2019, Altro prodotto, ITA
Fabio Chiarello, Maria Gabriella Castellano, Roberta Ramponi, Sara Di Marcello
Fotonica in Gioco 2019-2020 Competizione per gli studenti delle scuole superiori italiane per la creazione di giochi da tavolo a tema scientifico, organizzato dall'Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie CNR in collaborazione con l'ufficio Comunicazione del CNR, nato nel 2015 in occasione dell'Anno Internazionale della Luce nell'ambito del Progetto Europeo Photonics4All.
2019, Editoriale in rivista, ENG
Francesca Maria Dagnino, Marcello Passarelli, Carlo Perrotta, Donatella Persico
Italian journal of educational technology (Online) 27 (2), pp. 87–902018, Monografia o trattato scientifico, ENG
Haggis, M., Perrotta, C., Persico, D., Bailey, C., Earp, J., Dagnino, F., Passarelli, M. Manganello, F., Pozzi, F., Buijtenweg, T.
This Manifesto is one of the final outputs of the Gaming Horizons project (https://www.gaminghorizons.eu/) and summarizes a number of recommendations emerged from previous phases of work by expressing them in terms of 4 Foundational Statements and 9 Actions.
DOI: 10.17471/54006
2017, Altro prodotto, ITA
Fabio Chiarello, Maria Gabriella Castellano, Roberta Ramponi, Sara Di Marcello
Fotonica in Gioco 2017-2018 Competizione per gli studenti delle scuole superiori italiane per la creazione di giochi da tavolo a tema scientifico, organizzato dall'Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie CNR in collaborazione con l'ufficio Comunicazione del CNR, nato nel 2015 in occasione dell'Anno Internazionale della Luce nell'ambito del Progetto Europeo Photonics4All.
2017, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Francesca Maria Dagnino, Francesca Pozzi, Giacomo Cozzani and Luca Bernava
Serious games are being increasingly adopted to sustain teaching and learning in a variety of educational fields (school education, etc.); the cultural heritage field does not make an exception, especially as far as tangible heritage is concerned. More recently, even in the field of ICH, games have started to be used to allow learning of intangible cultural expressions or traditions (Yilmaz et al. 2015). In the frame of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), ITD-CNR has developed the "Canto a Tenore game", a mixed 2D/3D adventure game, aimed at supporting learning of the basics of this rare singing style, which originated and is still practised in Sardinia (Italy). The idea behind the game is to involve the player in an engaging journey, where s/he has to help the main character, who is currently living abroad, to find his roots in Sardinia. The comprehensive integration of contents in the gameplay, as well as the immersive nature of the 3D environments, allow the user to learn the basics of the Canto in an engaging way. In this paper the authors discuss the main strong points, challenges and criticalities of adopting such technologies.
2015, Altro prodotto, ITA
Fabio Chiarello, Maria Gabriella Castellano, Roberta Ramponi, Sara Di Marcello
Fotonica in Gioco 2015-2016 Competizione per gli studenti delle scuole superiori italiane per la creazione di giochi da tavolo a tema scientifico, organizzato dall'Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie CNR in collaborazione con l'ufficio Comunicazione del CNR, nato nel 2015 in occasione dell'Anno Internazionale della Luce nell'ambito del Progetto Europeo Photonics4All.
2015, Esposizione, ITA
Fabio Chiarello
Laboratorio/evento per il Festival della Scienza di Genova 2015 La fotonica nel senso più ampio è la scienza e la tecnologia della luce, con applicazioni che vanno dai LED ai Laser, dalle fibre ottiche alle celle solari. Se il XX secolo è stato il secolo dell'elettronica probabilmente il XXI sarà il secolo della fotonica. Proprio in vista di questa rivoluzione l'UNESCO ha dichiarato il 2015 Anno Internazionale della Luce. La Comunità Europea è attivamente impegnata con vari progetti di informazione e sensibilizzazione sulla fotonica, per esempio con il progetto Photonics4All, che mira a raggiungere le persone in modo capillare (studenti, insegnanti, imprenditori etc.) attraverso canali diversi, utilizzando media classici e social media ma sperimentando anche strumenti differenti. Fra le varie attività verrà proposto in Italia il concorso "Fotonica in Gioco" per la realizzazione di giochi da tavolo originali sui temi della fotonica. L'idea alla base del concorso è semplice: giocare è divertente e può essere anche molto istruttivo, ma creare giochi può essere ancora più divertente ed istruttivo visto che richiede una totale immersione nelle tematiche da trattare. Ogni gioco è un piccolo mondo con le sue regole, i suoi protagonisti, le sue atmosfere, le sue storie. Partendo dall'idea del concorso "Fotonica in Gioco" questo laboratorio vi metterà a disposizione tutti gli strumenti necessari per creare un gioco da tavolo sul tema della luce.
2015, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
E. Yilmaz, D. Ugurca, C. Sahin, F.M.Dagnino, M. Ott, F. Pozzi, K. Dimitropoulos, F. Tsalakanidou, A. Kitsikidis, S. K. Al Kork, K. Xu, B. Denby, P. Roussel, P. Chawah, L. Buchman, M. Adda Decker, S.Dupont, B. Picart, J. Tilmanne , M. Alivizatou, L. Hadjileontiadis, V. Charisis, A. Glushkova, C. Volioti, A.Manitsaris, E. Hemery, F. Moutarde and N. Grammalidis
The main objective of the EU FP7 ICT i-Treasures project is to build a public and expandable platform to enable learning and transmission of rare know-how of intangible cultural heritage. A core part of this platform consists of game like applications able to support teaching and learning processes in the ICH field. We have designed and developed four game-like applications (for Human Beat Box singing, Tsamiko dancing , pottery making and contemporary music composition), each corresponding to one of the ICH use cases of i-Treasures project. A first preliminary version of these applications is currently available for further validation, evaluation and demonstration within the project. We have encountered a number of issues, most of which derive from the peculiarities of the ICH domains addressed by the project, and many have already been resolved/ The evaluation results are expected to lead to further optimization of these games.
2014, Poster, ENG
Fabio Chiarello
"Quantum Race" is a board game designed to be a support in illustrating and teaching complex Quantum Mechanical concepts such as wavefunctions, delocalization, collapse and quantum tunneling. The game can be played without any background knowledge or preliminary explanations on Quantum Mechanics. The concepts to be illustrated are self contained in the game rules, which are very simple and fast to be learned (the game has been tested also by eight years old children), but at the same time complex enough to ensure the use of tactics, in order to make the game interesting also for adults. Quantum Race is essentially a car race board game where each car consists of six numbered parts (describing the "wavefunction") that are spread (delocalized) along the speedway with deterministic rules, but which in case of observation "collapse" randomly (according to a dice roll) all together in one of the positions recomposing a "classical" car. The game has been successfully tested in high schools as preparation to seminars on Quantum Mechanics, and has been played in different Science Festivals. In particular it has been played at the "Festival della Scienza di Genova" (Genoa Science Festival) in a live version, on a giant board (7 m x 8 m) with players in the role of pawns. We present the game and the experiences on its use in different contests, and discuss the possible application of the key idea in other fields with different games.
2014, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Jeffrey Earp
Game Based Learning (GBL) is being embraced with increasing enthusiasm and confidence in the education sector, from primary school right through to university. A growing number of teachers in Europe are integrating game based activities in the effort to enhance their practice and provide learning experiences that engage and motivate their students. GBL is also making headway at educational policy-making level. Here, the challenge is to bring Europe's education systems more closely into line with the requirements and expectations of the 21st Century knowledge society. This is a tough challenge, one that calls for innovation across the board, from teaching practices to curricula and, ultimately education management. In this presentation we will look at some key GBL initiatives within the European landscape of educational research and practice. The aim of this panorama is twofold. The first is to provide orientation by illustrating some current and emerging trends in this field that are exemplified by European projects. The second objective is to give useful points of reference to teachers who are considering adopting GBL and who are looking to access the know-how, tools and resources they need to help them integrate games in an effective, efficient and pedagogically sound manner.
2014, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Manuel Gentile, Valentina Dal Grande, Giovanni Fulantelli, Dario La Guardia, Linda Messineo, Simona Ottaviano, Davide Taibi, Mario Allegra
L'educazione all'imprenditorialità (Entrepreneurship Education - EE) rappresenta una sfida per i sistemi educativi dei paesi europei ed in particolare per quello italiano, dove manca una specifica strategia nazionale, ad eccezione dei percorsi formativi tecnici e professionali. L'introduzione dell'EE nelle attività curriculari dei giovani studenti richiede un lavoro d'integrazione delle metodologie d'insegnamento finalizzate all'acquisizione di nuove competenze e abilità ritenute ormai essenziali per lo sviluppo di quella che viene definita "mentalità imprenditoriale". Obiettivo dell'EE non è solamente l'acquisizione da parte degli studenti di conoscenze specifiche, ma è soprattutto quello di rendere i giovani studenti protagonisti attivi del proprio apprendimento, della propria carriera e della loro vita in generale. In questo articolo si descrive il modello di formazione all'EE definito nell'ambito del progetto europeo "Posso ... Non Posso ... Vado! Rev. 2", finanziato dal programma Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation (TOI), ed è fornita una prima valutazione qualitativa dell'attività di sperimentazione condotta con gli studenti del 4° anno di un Istituto Tecnico per il Turismo di Palermo.
2014, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Dario La Guardia, Manuel Gentile, Valentina Dal Grande, Simona Ottaviano, Mario Allegra
Entrepreneurship Education aims to help students acquire skills and knowledge that are crucial for the development of an entrepreneurial mindset. The article describes a blended model based on the use of a serious game within the framework of the EU-funded project "I can ... I cannot ... I go!" Rev. 2 (PNPV project). The learning model and the serious game was designed in order to build a learning space that fosters learner's entrepreneurial mindset through experiential learning.
2013, Contributo in volume, ENG
Michela Ott Maria Magdalena Popescu Ioana Andreea Stanescu and Sara de Freitas
This chapter tackles the issue of Serious Games (SGs) curriculum integration approached from different perspectives (different levels, subject areas, instructional contexts, pedagogies, views and visions over what it is already in practice and what it is yet to be implemented). In the light of the title of this book, it refers to Game-Enhanced Learning and not simply to game-based- learning, thus supporting the concept that games can really contribute to improving and enhancing both collaborative and individual learning processes. Actually, the chapter is meant to trigger reflections on the potential of Serious Games in the present learning/teaching panorama and to explore how SGs can be considered suitable tools for sustaining the development of some relevant skills required to live and be proactive actors in the Knowledge Society, namely the so called 21st Century skills. Further key challenges in the field of game-enhanced learning, with particular regard to pedagogical aspects are also in-depth explored by emphasizing the important role of teachers as to the choice of the SGs, their deployment and the overall conduction of learning experiences
2012, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Romero M., Usart M., Ott M., Earp J.
The process of learning through Game Based Learning (GBL) presents both positive aspects and challenges to be faced in order to support the achievement of learning goals and knowledge creation. This study aims to characterise game dynamics in the adoption of multi-player GBL. In particular, we examine the multi-player GBL dynamics may enhance collaborative learning through a relation of positive interdependence while at the same time maintaining a certain level of competition for ensuring multi-player GBL gameplay. The first section of the paper introduces collaborative GBL and describes the combination of intragroup dynamics of cooperation and positive interdependence and an intergroup dynamic of competition to maintain gameplay. The second part of the paper describes two multi-player GBL scenarios: the multi-player game with interpersonal competition and the multiplayer game with intergroup competition. For each scenario a case analysis of existing collaborative games is provided, which may help instructional and game designers when defining the collaborative GBL dynamics. Technological requirements and best practices in the use of collaborative GBL are described in the last sections.
2012, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Muriel Ney, Valérie Emin, Jeffrey Earp
We developed a conceptual tool intended to help teachers make a good start in using digital games in the classroom. The tool is a matrix of questions based on a literature search and an empirical study with teachers. Its primary aim is to foster self-reflection and communication with other practitioners or designers. It was produced in the context of the GEL Theme Team of the STELLAR European Network of Excellence.