2022, Rapporto di ricerca (Research report), ITA
Chiara Fante, Fabrizio Ravicchio, Flavio Manganello, Stefania Bocconi, Giannangelo Boccuzzi, Guglielmo Trentin
Il presente documento definisce il quadro metodologico che farà da sfondo alla progettazione dei due casi d'uso del progetto, e che permetterà di costruire un'esperienza d'uso di alta qualità, incentrata sulla fruizione interattiva di più contenuti video nell'ambito della singola esperienza d'uso. Nello specifico, saranno approfonditi gli aspetti teorici e le implicazioni pratiche dell'interactive storytelling, da un lato, e della gamification, dall'altro. Il documento presenta inoltre nella sezione conclusive alcune raccomandazioni operativi utili alla progettazione.
2015, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Jeffrey Earp
Game making as a strategy for supporting learning processes is a research topic that has roots stretching back to the constructionist movement of the 1980s and 1990s. However, the current popularity of digital gaming, Game Based Learning (GBL), 21st century skills development and learner-centred strategies is sharping interest in the affordances that digital game making offers and how these can be harnessed in education to enhance learning. This contribution charts the emergence and establishment of learner-driven digital game making through a systematic review of the global literature on the topic published since the early 1980s. It maps out the research concerns under investigation in the field, as gleaned from a dataset of almost 500 publications of different types specifically dedicated to the topic. The review forms part of the author's research activities in game making for learning carried out with an EC co-funded project called MAGICAL (Making Games in Collaboration for Learning). The review begins with a description of the method and procedure adopted for carrying out the literature search and producing a comprehensive dataset of records. This is followed by reporting and analysis of the generated data. The review concludes with a brief discussion and reflection on the results.
2015, Rapporto di ricerca (Research report), ENG
Jeffrey Earp
This report presents and analyses research data gathered in 2015 as part of a systematic review of the research literature dedicated to the topic of game making for learning. The core data are contained in the research paper Game Making for Learning: A Systematic Review Of The Research Literature (in press), published in the Proceedings of ICERI15, 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Valencia, Spain, Nov. 2015. The data analysed here complement those reported in the paper, providing a more detailed picture of gaming making research than that conveyed within the confines of the contribution to the ICERI 2015 Proceedings. To orient the reader, the sections in this technical report are cross-referenced to those contained in the paper.
2015, Sito web, ITA/ENG
Jeffrey Earp
La disseminazione dei risultati generati in MAGICAL anche dopo la conclusione del progetto ha posto l'esigenza di costruire uno spazio online per dare libero accesso alla documentazione e alle risorse d'interessa ai potenziali fruitori e ai stakeholders presenti sia in Italia che all'estero. Di conseguenza è stato realizzato un semplice mini-sito mirato in particolare ai docenti scolastici, dandoli la possibilità di capire il progetto in modo immediato, di coglierne i risultati più interessanti e di accedere alle risorse eventualmente utili per la loro pratica professionale.
2015, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Jeffrey Earp
Questo rapporto tecnico documenta le azioni compiute per sostenere la disseminazione dei risultati generati nel progetto europeo MAGICAL - Making Games in Collaboration for Learning (519006-LLP-1-2011-1-IT-KA3-KA3MP) a seguito della conclusione del progetto, coordinato da ITD-CNR. Il documento raccoglie e descrive cinque iniziative principali intraprese dall'autore di questo rapporto: un mini-sito web; un webcast; una presentazione presso un workshop internazionale; una guida agli ambienti digitali per la realizzazione di giochi come attività didattica; un capitolo di libro internazionale. Nelle cinque sezioni del presente rapporto, ciascuno di questi prodotti viene brevemente descritto ed illustrato, anche grazie all'integrazione dei riferimenti per la consultazione online.
2014, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Michela Ott Mireia Usart Margarida Romero
Serious Games (SG) are innovative tools that are widely recognized as having considerable potential to foster and support active learning. This paper addresses the question of whether and how SG can contribute to the development of the so-called "21st century skills" in general education. The paper starts by characterizing the current need for 21st century skills and the identification of these core skills. Thereafter, it reports on a literature review of studies analyzing SG impact on the development of one or more 21st century skills; and finally it analyses which, among the most relevant game characteristics, are those that could facilitate 21st century skills development. This study offers a multi-folded perspective on the use of SG for supporting 21st century skills development that may be helpful for both teachers and SG designers.
2013, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Bermingham, Susan; Charlier, Nathalie; Dagnino, Francesca Maria; Duggan, James; Earp, Jeffrey; Kiili, Kristian; Luts, Evelien; Van Der Stock, Lien; Whitton, Nicola
Many examples exist of the effective use of digital games for learning, both in the classroom and informally, for developing subject knowledge, skills (cognitive, (psycho)motor and psychodynamic), attitudes and behaviours. However, educational games are often limited in scope to the topic of the game itself and position learners as 'players' in the game space, rather than giving them control over the gaming environment. In fact, the increasing body of research literature suggests that making games could better address the needs of learners than just playing existing learning games. Collaborative game-making provides a model in which learners can work together to create something that is meaningful for them, giving them input into both the process and product, and facilitating the development of a range of 21CS (21CS), such as digital literacy. Intuitive digital game-making tools have become increasingly available in recent years, allowing students to directly access game-making environments and support the growth in use of collaborative game-making learning activities in schools. Making Games in Collaboration for Learning (MAGICAL) is an EU-funded project that aims to explore the use of collaborative game-making as a pedagogic model. It seeks to establish whether, and in what ways, the approach can support collaboration, problem-solving, creativity and digital literacy skills. This paper starts by considering the literature on digital game-making, particularly highlighting the benefits, drawbacks and research gaps. It then goes on to describe the MAGICAL project in more detail, particularly focusing on the way in which the 21CS can be defined, communicated to learners, and assessed. Next, the different approaches to collaborative game-making in the classroom are discussed. The paper concludes by highlighting lessons learned
2012, Sito web, ENG
Ceregini, Andrea; Earp, Jeffrey
GEL (Game Enhanced Learning) is a STELLAR Theme Team financed in the 2011 second call. Theme Teams are topic-based clusters (http://www.stellarnet.eu/instruments/theme_teams/) which gather mid-career researchers from different EU institutions so that they can collaboratively investigate emerging research issues in the TEL field. The GEL team comprises seven partners from six EU countries; one is a partner of STELLAR, five are in another NoE called GaLA (Games and Learning Alliance), and one participates in both NoEs. GEL focuses on major issues and challenges of Game Enhanced Learning, with particular regard for pedagogical aspects. It mainly aims to provide fresh perspectives on how to guide and sustain pedagogically-effective use of games and how to support the development of pedagogically-sound games for learning.
2012, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Dario La Guardia, Marco Arrigo, Onofrio Di Giuseppe
The use of the GPS system in games is spreading thanks to new low cost mobile devices in which it is integrated. These new kinds of games, called location-based games, are a great font of revenue for game industries but their educational potential is still an open research field . In this paper we will introduce O'Munaciedd, a location-based serious game which is an integral part of the project "Matera Città Narrata", promoted by the "Agency for the Promotion of the Region and the Department for Industrial Activity of the Region of Basilicata". This game, developed at the Institute for Educational Technologies of the Italian National Research Council, is an educational game that enhances and exploits the historical, artistic and scenic heritage of the Basilicata region.