2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Graziosi, Patrizio and Bergenti, Ilaria and Vistoli, Lorenzo and Galassi, Fabio and Calbucci, Marco and Riminucci, Alberto and Borgatti, Francesco and MacLaren, Donald A. and O'Shea, Kerry J. and Vinai, Giovanni and Torelli, Piero and Panaccione, Giancarlo and Kabanov, Viktor and Dediu, Valentin Alek
In this paper, we demonstrate the capability to establish spin-polarized currents in doped SrTiO3 (STO). The results are based on the study of charge and spin transport in STO layers doped by the reversible electromigration of oxygen atoms in resistive-switching La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/STO/Co vertical stacks. The formation of oxygen vacancies inside STO results in a metallic conductivity at temperatures <200-250 K, above which a transition to an insulatinglike behavior is detected. A detailed theoretical analysis shows that the behavior of the metallic phase in our samples corresponds to the well-known state of the thermodynamically doped STO featuring the so-called bad metal behavior. Thus, our findings introduce this class of unconventional materials as valuable candidates for innovative spintronic devices.
2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Borgatti F. (1); Torelli P. (2); Panaccione G. (2)
Photoelectron spectroscopy is one of the most powerful tool to unravel the electronic structure of strongly correlated materials also thanks to the extremely large dynamic range in energy, coupled to high energy resolution that this form of spectroscopy covers. The kinetic energy range typically used for photoelectron experiments corresponds often to a strong surface sensitivity, and this turns out to be a disadvantage for the study of transition metal oxides, systems where structural and electronic reconstruction, different oxidation state, and electronic correlation may significantly vary at the surface. We report here selected Hard X-ray PhotoElectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) results from transition metal oxides, and from buried interfaces, where we highlight some of the important features that such bulk sensitive technique brings in the analysis of electronic properties of the solids.
2014, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Pratt, A.; Graziosi, P.; Bergenti, I.; Prezioso, M.; Dediu, A.; Yamauchi, Y.
We present a novel method of delivering a low-concentration (<15%) ozone beam to an ultra-high vacuum environment for the purpose of cleaning and dosing experimental samples through oxidation processing. The system described is safe, low-cost, and practical and overcomes the limitations of ozone transport in the molecular flow environment of high or ultrahigh vacuum whilst circumventing the use of pure ozone gas which is potentially highly explosive. The effectiveness of this method in removing surface contamination is demonstrated through comparison of high-temperature annealing of a simple oxide (MgO) in ozone and oxygen environments as monitored using quadrupole mass spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy. Additionally, we demonstrate the potential of ozone for obtaining clean complex oxide surfaces without the need for high-temperature annealing which may significantly alter surface structure. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4890208
2014, Contributo in volume, ENG
F. Borgatti (1), A. Herpers (2), C. Lenser (2), C. Park (2), F. Offi (3), G. Panaccione (4), S. Menzel (2), R. Waser (2), R. Dittmann (2)
Complex transition metal oxides may exhibit large electrically driven changes of resistance, thereby attracting considerable attention for the development of non-volatile storage devices. We have used core-level Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) to prove experimentally that resistive switching in Ti/Pr0.48Ca0.52MnO3/SrRuO3 (Ti/PCMO/SRO) thin film heterostructures depends on a redox process occurring on the Ti side of the Ti/PCMO interface. The resistance states are determined by the amount of oxidized Ti ions in the stack, varied through a reversible redox-reaction leading to the formation and shortening of an insulating tunnel barrier.
2014, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Gambardella, Alessandro; Graziosi, Patrizio; Bergenti, Ilaria; Prezioso, Mirko; Pullini, Daniele; Milita, Silvia; Biscarini, Fabio; Dediu, Valentin Alek
Ultrathin manganite films are widely used as active electrodes in organic spintronic devices. In this study, a scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) investigation with atomic resolution revealed previously unknown surface features consisting of small non-stoichiometric islands. Based upon this evidence, a new mechanism for the growth of these complex materials is proposed. It is suggested that the non-stoichiometric islands result from nucleation centres that are below the critical threshold size required for stoichiometric crystalline growth. These islands represent a kinetic intermediate of single-layer growth regardless of the film thickness, and should be considered and possibly controlled in manganite thin-film applications.
DOI: 10.1038/srep05353
2014, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Poggini, L. and Ninova, S. and Graziosi, P. and Mannini, M. and Lanzilotto, V. and Cortigiani, B. and Malavolti, L. and Borgatti, F. and Bardi, U. and Totti, F. and Bergenti, I. and Dediu, V. A. and Sessoli, R.
La0.7SrO3MnO3 (LSMO) thin films have proven to act as an efficient spin injection electrode in hybrid organic/inorganic spintronic devices. Optimal control of the chemical composition of the LSMO outermost layer is a key issue in the realization of efficient and reproducible spintronic devices. Low-energy ion scattering (LEIS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), empowered by density functional theory (DFT) investigations have been used to reveal the chemical composition of the LSMO termination. The topmost layers consist of a Sr- and Mn-rich phase evolving to the bulk phase via a gradual increase of the La content.
DOI: 10.1021/jp5026619
2014, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Herpers, Anja and Lenser, Christian and Park, Chanwoo and Offi, Francesco and Borgatti, Francesco and Panaccione, Giancarlo and Menzel, Stephan and Waser, Rainer and Dittmann, Regina
By using hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy experimentally, proof is provided that resistive switching in Ti/Pr0.48Ca0.52MnO3 (PCMO) devices is based on a redox-process that mainly occurs on the Ti-side. The different resistance states are determined by the amount of fully oxidized Ti-ions in the stack, implying a reversible redox-reaction at the interface, which governs the formation and shortening of an insulating tunnel barrier.
2014, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Shao, Q. and Ku, P. S. and Wang, X. L. and Zapien, J. A. and Leung, C. W. and Borgatti, F. and Gambardella, A. and Dediu, V. and Ciprian, R. and Ruotolo, A.
A concentration of Manganese as high as 8% was successfully diluted into Zinc Oxide epitaxial films deposited by pulsed laser deposition. The films showed strong ferromagnetism with a large coercivity. Low temperature X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements indicated that all the Manganese ions substitute for Zinc sites of the wurtzite lattice in the valency of +2. Photoluminescence measurements excluded the presence of Zinc vacancies, as well as Zn interstitials. All the magnetic moments measured were to ascribe to the formation of bound magnetic polarons, with no other contribution due to Manganese-secondary phases or Zinc vacancy-mediated double exchange interaction. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4871759
2013, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Francesco Borgatti,*a Chanwoo Park,*b Anja Herpers,b Francesco Offi,c Ricardo Egoavil,d Yoshiyuki Yamashita,e Anli Yang,e Masaaki Kobata,e Keisuke Kobayashi,e Jo Verbeeck,d Giancarlo Panaccione f and Regina Dittmann b
We have investigated the role of the electroforming process in the establishment of resistive switching behaviour for Pt/Ti/Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3/SrRuO3 layered heterostructures (Pt/Ti/PCMO/SRO) acting as nonvolatile Resistance Random Access Memories (RRAMs). Electron spectroscopy measurements demonstrate that the higher resistance state resulting from electroforming of as-prepared devices is strictly correlated with the oxidation of the top electrode Ti layer through field-induced electromigration of oxygen ions. Conversely, PCMO exhibits oxygen depletion and downward change of the chemical potential for both resistive states. Impedance spectroscopy analysis, supported by the detailed knowledge of these effects, provides an accurate model description of the device resistive behaviour. The main contributions to the change of resistance from the as-prepared (low resistance) to the electroformed (high resistance) states are respectively due to reduced PCMO at the boundary with the Ti electrode and to the formation of an anisotropic n-p junction between the Ti and the PCMO layers.
DOI: 10.1039/c3nr00106g
2012, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Gray, Alexander X.; Minár, Ján; Ueda, Shigenori; Stone, Peter R.; Yamashita, Yoshiyuki; Fujii, Jun; Braun, Jürgen W.; Pluci?ski, ?ukasz; Schneider, Claus Michael; Panaccione, Giancarlo C.; Ebert, Hubert; Dubón, Oscar D.; Kobayashi, Keisuke; Fadley, Charles S.
A detailed understanding of the origin of the magnetism in dilute magnetic semiconductors is crucial to their development for applications. Using hard X-ray angle-resolved photoemission (HARPES) at 3.2â EUR?keV, we investigate the bulk electronic structure of the prototypical dilute magnetic semiconductor Ga 0.97 Mn 0.03 As, and the reference undoped GaAs. The data are compared to theory based on the coherent potential approximation and fully relativistic one-step-model photoemission calculations including matrix-element effects. Distinct differences are found between angle-resolved, as well as angle-integrated, valence spectra of Ga 0.97 Mn 0.03 As and GaAs, and these are in good agreement with theory. Direct observation of Mn-induced states between the GaAs valence-band maximum and the Fermi level, centred about 400â EUR?meV below this level, as well as changes throughout the full valence-level energy range, indicates that ferromagnetism in Ga 1-x Mn x As must be considered to arise from both p-d exchange and double exchange, thus providing a more unifying picture of this controversial material. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1038/nmat3450