2023, Contributo in volume, ENG

A longitudinal analysis of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI): evidence from the EuroMed countries

Errichiello, L.; Guadalupi, L.; Andreottola, F.;

The Covid-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst of digital transformation of businesses, industries, governments and societies worldwide, including in Mediterranean countries. Many studies have been published since the pandemic outbreak to understand the effects produced by such a disruptive event on the digital trends about economic activities and social life and trace the potential paths of digitalization of business, governments and social activities that are likely to characterize the post-covid era. However, excluding conceptual research and grey literature, empirical research on this topic is still in its initial stage of development and warrants additional scholarly attention. Moreover, studies focused on the Mediterranean Region are very scant. With this gap in mind, the goal of this chapter is to understand how Covid-19 have affected the ongoing processes of digitalization in the EuroMed countries through a comparative lens. To this goal we relied on longitudinal data about digitalization produced by the European Union and measured through the so-called Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), that is a comprehensive measure of data related to individual EU members (27) and reflecting different aspects of digitalization. Moreover, qualitative data (based on technical reports, working papers, official documents, etc.) related to each country will be used to support the interpretation of the quantitative analysis. Since the measurement of the digital socio-economic transformation can be used to monitor the progress over time and compare the digital performance of single EuroMed countries, the analysis can provide valuable insights to guide policy making towards a balanced digital development and the progressive reduction of performance gaps existing between more and less digitally advanced countries.

2023, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

Sustainable and Inclusive Museums through Digital and Smart Technologies: Empirical Evidence from the Italian Context

Briganti, P.; Errichiello, L.; Volpe, Tiziana; Varriale, L.

This study explores the role of digital and smart technologies in cultural heritage organizations, particularly museums, in promoting sustainability and social inclusion. The rapid advancement of digital tools and smart technologies, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has shown their potential to overcome barriers and support the ambitious goals of the UN Agenda 2030. However, the widespread adoption and integration of these technologies present complex challenges for managers and policymakers. In the context of Italian museums, the use of innovative technologies for sustainability and social inclusion is still in its early stages and underutilized. Through a literature review and multiple case study analysis, this research examines the adoption of digital tools and smart technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, in leading Italian museums. The findings offer valuable insights to guide future research in this area.

ICTO2023 The 7th Conference for Information & Communication Technologies for Organization & Society. ETHICAL & RESPONSIBLE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE SOCIETIES, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France 17 rue de la Sorbonne75005, Paris, July 6th & 7th, 2023

2023, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG

Deciphering Hybrid Work: An Ensemble Community Detection Network Bibliometric Analysis of Remote Work's Impact on Individual and Organizational Outcomes

Drago, C.; Errichiello, L.

The increasing diffusion of remote work, both full-time or in hybrid (both at-home and in-office) models, has generated very relevant interest among scholars and practitioners in understanding its impacts on employee productivity, work-life balance, and organizational performance. In this study, we comprehensively put on the foreground hybrid work's relevance and value. In detail, by conducting a bibliometric analysis of the rich literature on remote work published starting from the Covid-19 pandemic, the work examines the outcomes of telework practices and the implications of their adoption for employees and organizations.

AIDEA 2023 - XL Convegno Nazionale - L'aziendalismo crea valore! Il ruolo dell'accademia nelle sfide della società, dell'economia e delle istituzioni, Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali - Management & Innovation Systems Università degli studi di Salerno, 5-6 ottobre 2023

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

The axis of accessibility and the duality of control of remote workers: a literature review

Cunha, Joao; Errichiello, Luisa; Pianese, Tommasina

Remote work has become a routine experience for many managers, forcing them to adapt to new ways of ensuring that employees follow company procedure and achieve job targets. Key among these changes have been to the move to computer-mediated surveillance (CMS), where managers monitor employees through electronic representations of work and computer-mediated interaction (CMI), where managers interact with employees through online communication. The outcome of this move is ambiguous and contradictory. CMS can strengthen control because of how effective it is at reporting on work. However, CMI can weaken control because of how effective it is at withholding work practice. We review the literature on remote work to explain how these apparently contradictory effects interact. We show that the joint effect of CMI and CMS goes beyond changing the amount of control over employees. Instead, this joint effect requires managers to ensure the accessibility necessary for control of remote work: that employees make their work visible and that they make themselves reachable for interaction with managers and peers. We use this new domain of control to outline a two-dimensional model of control.

Journal of information technology (Online)

DOI: 10.1177/02683962231208218

2023, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG

Participatory activity-based workplace re-design and hybrid working: a longitudinal case study in Italy

Errichiello, Luisa; Brusamolino, Luca.

Digitalization and flexible work practices have pushed many organizations to implement new office concepts and re-design traditional workspaces as new working spaces matching new employees' working lifestyles and expectations for flexibility. COVID-19 has significantly contributed to accelerate this trend: hybrid working has been announced to be the "new normal" and the role of office has become even more important than before the pandemic outbreak (Raghavan et al., 2021). Within this scenario, Activity-based working (ABW) has surged in importance, being considered a "win-win" solution for organizations and employees (Marzban et al., 2022). However, literature on this workspace design innovation is still in its infancy stage. In detail, there are still conflicting results about the outcomes associated with the implementation of ABW both at individual and collective level. As most research tends to examine the impact of ABW on specific outcome variables by adopting a quantitative approach and surveys, mechanisms producing those outcomes remained black-boxed. Finally, very few studies adopted a longitudinal research design (e.g., Babapour, 2019), so that long-term effects produced by ABW on individuals and their organization are still largely unknown. This paper relies on a case study design and a qualitative approach (Yin, 2009). It selected an organization which implemented ABW adopting a participatory approach to res-design its offices in Italy with the goal of exploring the temporal dynamics of change produced by ABW implementation in relation to hybrid working. The study aims at shedding light on how employees, both as individuals and/or team's members, witnessed the changes produced by specific ABW features in relation to new working conditions, such as territoriality and visibility (Wohlers & Hertel, 2017) and how they managed tensions to gain advantage and mitigate adverse impacts of ABW. Semi-structured interview with employees and managers were integrated with secondary data collected during the early stage of office re-design. The study will advance existing knowledge on workplace innovation by identifying new mechanisms explaining the impact of ABW on individuals and their organizations. Practical implications for effective office re-design and workplace flexibility management will also be provided to organizations intended to implement this innovation.

XLIV Conferenza Scientifica Annuale Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali "Europa e Mediterraneo tra transizioni e conflitti Opportunità e rischi per regioni e territori", Napoli, Università Parthenope, Palazzo Pacanowski, 6-8 Settembre

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Destinations' environmental orientation: a symbolic cluster analysis based on hotel employees' environmental knowledge, awareness, and concern

Errichiello, Luisa; Drago, Carlo

Environmental attitudes (environmental knowledge, awareness, and concern) are important drivers of pro-environmental behaviour for key destination stakeholder groups, including tourists, tourism business staff and residents. However, limited attention has been given to how individual attitudes within each role collectively contribute to the environmental sustainability of tourism destinations.The goal of the study is to fill this gap by conceptually and empirically linking the micro- and macro-levels of analysis, respectively focused on individuals and the destination. First, the concept of Destination Environmental Orientation (DEO) is proposed to indicate the collective attitude of a touristic place or destination towards the environment having micro-foundations in individuals' cognition, evaluation and affect. Then, focusing on local hotels' staff as a key destination stakeholder category, the study shows the methodological potential of Symbolic Data Analysis (SDA) to measure DEO based on underlying individual-level data about environmental knowledge, awareness, and concern. Survey-based data are collected among employees in thirty-three hotels located in eleven tourism municipalities of Naples, a province in the Campania region (Italy). The research identifies three groups of tourim municipalities with significant differences in the level of environmental orientation. The findings suggest that these groups exhibit different patterns of functioning and three models are identified based on context-related factors, i.e., the level of tourism developement, the reliance of tourism areas on natural resources, and geograhical and functional proximity among tourism municipalities: the "Mature tourism destination" model, the "Island tourism destination" model, and the "Strategically positioned touristic place" model. The implications to sustainable tourism theory and practice are discussed.

Journal of sustainable tourism

DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2023.2244197

2022, Contributo in volume, SPA

Estrategias de gestión del patrimonio subterráneo. Lecciones de dos estudios de caso

María del Carmen Solano Báez, Luisa Errichiello

En el marco de la Acción COST CA18110 Underground Built Heritage (UBH) as catalyser for Community Valorization se estimula el desarrollo de nuevas competencias para planificadores, responsables de la toma de decisiones, promotores y facilitadores del desarrollo local y se configura como una plataforma para la creación, integración y puesta en común de conocimientos multidisciplinares sobre el patrimonio construido subterráneo. La Acción COST CA18110 trabaja con 16 estudios, La Unión, en Murcia, España, y Green Karst, en Eslovenia, son dos de los primeros cuatros casos estudiados. El objetivo de este capítulo es capitalizar las ideas más significativas de ambos estudios de caso; este análisis de segundo orden busca el enriquecimiento analítico y produce nueva información para la fertilización cruzada de conocimientos y la transferencia de resultados entre los dos contextos. Como resultado se aporta una vía estratégica para la reutilización y la valorización de patrimonio subterráneo brindando pautas para una gestión sostenible a través de modelos de gobernanza multinivel. La mirada de Green Karts, más allá de brindar soluciones concretas, aporta al estudio de caso de La Unión una vía estratégica para la implementación de un modelo de gobernanza sostenible que puede guiar los procesos para la toma de decisiones sobre la gestión del patrimonio subterráneo y que se caracteriza desde las primeras etapas por un marcado compromiso comunitario.

2022, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG

Smart working starts from the Office

Brusamolino, L.; Errichiello, L.; Vicentini, C.

The Coronavirus emergency has forced companies to ask their employees to work remotely from one day to the next, accelerating an already existing digitalization process. As a result, new scenarios have opened up on work spaces which, from containers for chairs and desks, are transformed into attractive meeting places suited to the needs of the new ways of working. Do we still need the office in the era of smart working? Starting from an analysis of the factors that have contributed to a real change of direction in the founding pillars of work organisation (places, times, technology and system of rules), this book tries to answer this question by reflecting on the new role played by the office in the hybrid model of work. In fact, in the first part of the volume we start from the history of office design and the intertwining with current and past organisational models, we pass through the new workplaces such as the home and co-working and finally we analyse, with the contribution by CNR researcher Luisa Errichiello, the impact of the physical work space on productivity and well-being. The second part is dedicated to practical applications with business cases, interviews with HR managers and a rich in-depth analysis on the methodology with which Workitect deals with workplace change projects. Organisations currently have a huge opportunity in their hands: they will be able to reduce the size of their offices to rethink them and make them an essential asset of the hybrid work model.

3rd Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference, Politecnico di Milano, MIlano, Italy, 7-10 September, 2022

2022, Contributo in volume, ENG

Technology 4.0 in tourism, hospitality and culture: what is going on and what ahead?

Buonincontri, P.; Errichiello, L., Micera, R.

Questo lavoro è il capitolo finale di "Tourism, Hospitality and Culture 4.0: shifting towards the metaverse", il secondo volume della book series "Tourism Studies on the Mediterranean Region", di cui gli autori del contributo sono curatori. In questo capitolo, i curatori della book series vogliono mettere in luce alcune questioni interessanti analizzate nei capitoli precedenti. Inoltre, basandosi sugli aspetti critici emersi dai vari contributi, offrono una sintesi delle lezioni che si possono trarre dalla tecnologia 4.0 applicata al settore del turismo nei paesi del Mediterraneo.

2022, Curatela di altro tipo, ENG

Tourism, Hospitality and Culture 4.0: shifting towards the metaverse

Del Chiappa, G. (ed.); Buonincontri, P.; Errichiello, L.; Micera, R. (gen. eds.)

Pubblicato nel dicembre 2022, il volume analizza come le tecnologie 4.0 influenzano le dinamiche del settore turistico e i comportamenti degli operatori e quelli dei turisti considerando, anche, il cambiamento paradigmatico che la nascita e lo sviluppo del metaverso sta generando. Il volume raccoglie ricerche innovative dal taglio teorico-empirico, sviluppate secondo un approccio interdisciplinare e multidisciplinare e fonte di utili riflessioni manageriali per tutti coloro che - come policy makers, destination marketers e operatori della filiera - sono interessati a capire come le tecnologie 4.0 possono supportare la competitività dei loro sistemi di offerta.

2022, Contributo in pubblicazione non scientifica, ITA

Il supporto organizzativo per l'efficace implementazione del lavoro in remoto nell'era Post-Covid

Errichiello Luisa

L'articolo offre una sintesi - in chiave divulgativa - del capitolo "The Role of Organizational Support in Effective Remote Work Implementation in the Post-COVID Era", pubblicato nel volume The Handbook of Research on Remote Work and Worker Well-Being in the Post-COVID-19 (pubblicato nel 2021 ed edito da IGI Global) che approfondisce il ruolo di supporto che le organizzazioni saranno chiamate a svolgere per garantire l'efficace implementazione del lavoro da remoto nell'era post-covid.

2022, Contributo in volume, ENG

Digitalization, remote working and employment: a focus on the Mediterranean region

Errichiello L.; Guadalupi L.

The global health crisis triggered by COVID-19 has severely affected the countries of the Mediterranean basin. Digital technologies, however, proved to be crucial in mitigating the impact of the crisis, allowing economic and social activities in the Mediterranean region not to suffer abrupt slowdowns, especially in those countries equipped with infrastructures with a high level of connectivity. The pandemic crisis has been an important driver for digitalization pathways, so, in the years to come, investments in ICT infrastructure and digital technologies will be increasingly relevant alongside the adoption of specific policy measures aimed at addressing critical aspects related to digital transformation, such as the development of appropriate digital skills and the adoption of remote working programs. The chapter analyzes the current capacity of the Mediterranean countries to face the medium-long term consequences generated by the economic crisis following the pandemic outbreak in relation to the relative level of ICT development. Moreover, it examines the employment potential arising from the use of remote work for the various sectors of activity and in relation to their weight in the different economies of the region.

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Organizational control in the context of remote working: A synthesis and research agenda

Pianese T.; Errichiello L.; Cunha, J.

The increasing diffusion of remote working puts organizational control in the foreground. As employees work at a distance from traditional offices and/or are geographically dispersed, companies are called upon to influence their willingness to act in accordance with a company's vision, values, and objectives. To date, a comprehensive understanding of how organizational control is implied in remote work arrangements (RWAs) is still lacking. To fill this gap, a research synthesis--that is, a systematic review of 131 studies that empirically investigated this issue--is carried on. The analysis is not limited to direct forms of control (e.g., output control) but also includes managerial practices as well as actions enacted by employees that influence the dynamics of control, acting as indirect levers of control. Findings were presented and discussed in relation to five "control domains": control systems, supervisory management styles, trusting relationships, organizational identification, and work identity in RWAs.

European management review (Online)

DOI: 10.111/emre.12515.

2021, Contributo in pubblicazione non scientifica, ITA

Automazione, digitalizzazione e lavoro: la centralità delle persone e delle competenze nel rapporto "uomo-macchina"

Errichiello Luisa

L'articolo ripercorre le principali posizioni scientifiche relative al rapporto tra cambiamento tecnologico e occupazione. Rispetto a tale tema, l'autrice offre una sintesi dei principali risultati emersi nel corso del webinar "Affrontare i rischi dell'automazione nel mercato del lavoro: Sfide e percorsi per il futuro in Italia" che ha moderato il 15 Aprile e nel corso del quale è stato presentato il progetto "Mapping Career Causeways" .L'evento è stato co- organizzato da Nesta e dal CNR ISMed con il supporto di AIDP Campania, Fondimpresa e Federformazione ed ha costituito un'importante occasione per discutere con accademici, responsabili HR e rappresentanti di enti istituzionali delle sfide e possibili azioni di intervento per preservare l'occupazione.

2021, Contributo in pubblicazione non scientifica, ITA

Identità professionali in transizione nell'era dello Smart Working

Demarco Daniele, Errichiello Luisa

Gli autori offrono una sintesi - in chiave divulgativa - del lavoro pubblicato dagli stessi sulla rivista Research Trends in Humanities (anno 2021, vol. 8, pp- 126-137) dal titolo "Smart working, stati di connettività e identità professionali in transizione Un dialogo critico tra filosofia e management". Nel contributo viene spiegato come l'informatizzazione del lavoro e, più in generale, delle pratiche sociali influisca sulla costruzione delle identità dei lavoratori. Partendo da un corpus di studi filosofici, sociologici e antropologici gli autori si sforzano di contestualizzare la loro indagine nell'ambito della ricerca organizzativa e manageriale.

2021, Curatela di numero monografico (di rivista o di collana), ENG

Post Covid-19 tourism: A pathway towards sustainable development in the Mediterranean region

Piera Buonincontri, Luisa Errichiello, Roberto Micera

The book series "Tourism Studies on the Mediterranean Region" is launched by the Institute of Studies on the Mediterranean (ISMed - CNR) with the ambitious goal to address the main research gaps currently present in tourism studies focused on the Mediterranean Region. The first volume of the series is titled "Post Covid-19 tourism: A pathway towards sustainable development in the Mediterranean region" and chapters included in the book have covered a variety of topics related to the sustainable development of tourism in the post-pandemic era. The first three chapters address the topic of Sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean Region, with particular attention to the theoretical perspectives and measurement tools for the post-Covid era. The chapters included in this book have covered a variety of topics related to the sustainable development of tourism in the post-pandemic era. The first three chapters address the topic of Sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean Region, with particular attention to the theoretical perspectives and measurement tools for the post-Covid era. Four chapters refer to the topic Innovation for sustainability: the response of the hospitality system to the pandemic crisis.The fourth topic in the book concerns The role of residents and tourists to address the challenges of sustainability. The last topic in the volume concerns the Policy interventions and recovery plans after the pandemic.

2021, Prefazione/Introduzione/Postfazione, ENG


Piera Buonincontri, Luisa Errichiello, Roberto Micera

This chapter introduces the first volume of the 'Tourism Studies on the Mediterranean Region' book series. The volume is devoted to the role of sustainability to face the challenges and opportunities arisen in tourism from the crisis of the sector due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021, Contributo in volume, ITA

L'impatto dello spazio fisico di lavoro su produttività e benessere

Luisa Errichiello

Il lavoro si concentra sulla leva "bricks" dello smart working, che attiene alla riprogettazione degli spazi e che costituisce uno dei pilastri fondanti del nuovo paradigma del lavoro. Attraverso l'analisi critica della letteratura sul tema e dei lavori empirici esistenti è stato approfondito il complesso legame tra le scelte relative agli spazi di lavoro, la performance ed il benessere dei lavoratori. La performance è stata analizzata in senso ampio, non riferendosi esclusivamente alla produttività quale misura di efficienza, ma anche ad altre variabili, tra cui interazione, comunicazione e collaborazione. Il benessere su luogo di lavoro è stato inteso sia come benessere psico-fisico che come soddisfazione per il proprio lavoro. L'analisi ha preso a disamina gli effetti sulla performance ed il benessere, anche in chiave comparativa, di due principali ambienti di lavoro: il modello "Open-Plan" (OP) e il modello "Activity Based Working" (ABW).

2021, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

The social construction of the workplace and the practice of remote work

Luisa Errichiello, Joao Cunha, Tommasina Pianese

The paper addresses the transition from office work to telework and its outcomes for employees' identification and the role of place therein. The study shows that people's answer to the question 'where do I work?' is a key factor in the process of transitioning from office work to telework and its outcomes for employees and organizations. Introducing the social construction of the workplace makes two contributions to research. First, it establishes a link between research on the structural conditions shaping remote work, such as the remote work arrangement and task, with the meaning that people attribute to their workplace and which will inform how they experience and enact the transition to remote work. Second, it integrates the role of meanings with the role of practices in the explanation of the link between people's use of IT and the effects of IT in organizations.

37th EGOS Colloquium, 2021, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), 8-10 July

2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG

A process-based perspective of Smart Tourism Destination Governance

Errichiello L., Micera R.

The tourism management literature has recently shown increasing interest in exploring the potential offered by the smart tourism destination initiative, conceived as the integrated use of ICT solutions for achieving greater efficiency and sustainability, enriching the tourist experience and boosting destination competitiveness. However, innovative technologies risk to be ineffective without adequate governance structures that are required to ensure the effective coordination and integration of tourism firms, government and communities in implementing a holistic smart-oriented development plan for destinations. This paper aims to integrate the recent smart approach with the destination governance theory to develop a governance process framework for smart tourism destinations. The framework explains how the smart approach can inform the planning and implementation of smart development goals, and specifically how smartness principles, tools and methods can be applied to increase the sustainable competitiveness of destinations beyond the mere technology dimension, making explicit the role of collaborative structures, user-driven services, social innovation and local community involvement. At the theoretical level, the paper offers an integrative perspective for designing and implementing effective smart tourism destination governance structures and processes. In practical terms, the framework can be viewed as a flexible tool in the hands of destination managers and policy makers: it shows how to match the design of governance structures and processes with the specific destination context and how to exploit "smart dimensions" for its development by relying on an incremental logic based on subsequent, interdependent stages.

European journal of tourism research (Online) 29 (2909), pp. 1–26
InstituteSelected 0/2
    IRISS, Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo (79)
    ISMed, Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo (45)
AuthorSelected 1/12016

Errichiello Luisa

    Drioli Enrico (1623)
    Pasetto Gaia (1193)
    Passer Mauro (1184)
    Arico' Antonino Salvatore (983)
    Ambrosio Luigi (981)
    Di Marzo Vincenzo (976)
    Ferrari Maurizio (948)
    Viegi Giovanni (906)
    Antonucci Vincenzo (866)
    Ferraro Pietro (849)
TypeSelected 0/21
    Rapporto di ricerca (Research report) (19)
    Articolo in rivista (17)
    Contributo in volume (16)
    Abstract in atti di convegno (15)
    Contributo in atti di convegno (15)
    Contributo in pubblicazione non scientifica (9)
    Presentazione (8)
    Altro prodotto (5)
    Progetto (4)
    Rapporto tecnico (2)
Research programSelected 0/14
    IC.P05.012.001, Innovazione e creazione del valore (36)
    DUS.AD010.040.001, Organizzazione dell'innovazione (24)
    DUS.AD010.121.001, Tecnologie digitali, new ways of working e dinamiche di innovazione (23)
    DUS.AD017.098.001, COST ACTION "Underground Built Heritage as catalyser for Community Valorisation" (5)
    DUS.AD010.040.003, Innovazione organizzativa e pratiche green nel settore dell'ospitalità (2)
    DUS.AD010.040.006, L’innovazione come opportunità per la gestione dinamica del rischio clinico (2)
    DUS.AD010.121.002, Organizzare l’innovazione per la sostenibilità ambientale delle imprese (2)
    DUS.AD010.122.001, Il settore del turismo nelle regioni del Mediterraneo (2)
    DUS.AD010.122.004, Il settore del turismo nella regione del Mediterraneo (2)
    IC.P05.020.001, Innovazione e vantaggio competitivo (2)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
EU ProjectSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
YearSelected 0/17
    2018 (12)
    2021 (12)
    2014 (11)
    2020 (10)
    2016 (9)
    2017 (9)
    2019 (8)
    2008 (7)
    2015 (7)
    2022 (7)
LanguageSelected 0/5
    Inglese (61)
    Italiano (48)
    Creolo-inglese (altra lingua) (2)
    Francese (1)
    Spagnolo (1)
KeywordSelected 0/310
    smart working (20)
    case study (17)
    remote work (12)
    ICT (8)
    cambiamento organizzativo (7)
    innovazione organizzativa (6)
    lavoro in remoto (5)
    organizational routines (5)
    literature review (4)
    organizational control (4)